Alessandro Tiberi

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Amore oggi

Amore oggi

May 10, 2014
A film in four episodes, each one describing a special love story in today’s Italy.
Génération mille euros
A 30 ans, Matteo, diplômé en mathématiques, est employé au service marketing d'une entreprise. Son salaire ne lui permettant pas de payer seul son loyer, il partage son appartement avec son ami Francesco. Bientôt, sa vie tranquille s'effondre, et les catastrophes se succèdent, jusqu'à sa rencontre avec deux ravissantes jeunes femmes : la blonde Angelica, et la brune Béatrice, qui n'est autre que sa nouvelle colocataire.
To Rome with Love

To Rome with Love

Apr 20, 2012
To Rome with Love nous fait partir à la découverte de la ville éternelle à travers différentes histoires de personnages, de simples résidents ou de visiteurs pour l’été, mêlant romances, aventures et quiproquos.


Jan 21, 2011
Six high school friends in their 40s who haven't seen each other in nearly 20 years rekindle their younger selves after a court cancels their diploma, forcing them to repeat the final high school exam.
Boris - Il film

Boris - Il film

Apr 01, 2011
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.
Scrivilo sui muri

Scrivilo sui muri

Sep 21, 2007
Sole, an university student bored of her daily routine, meets graffiti artists Pierpaolo and Alex and her life changes until she falls in love with one of them.
Ci hai rotto papà

Ci hai rotto papà

Sep 03, 1993
Kids from a huge apartment complex in Rome form a secret society to unite their forces and get back at the nasty adults who 'oppress' them, playing pranks on them to expose their weaknesses.
Sexy Maddalena

Sexy Maddalena

Feb 12, 2024
Maddalena est très différente de sa famille catholique. Son existence est aussi précaire que son contrat de travail jusqu'à ce que, suite à un rendez-vous qui tourne mal, Maddalena se convainque de devenir plus attirante. À partir de ce moment, un ange gardien très particulier entre dans sa vie : la star du porno Valentina Nappi, qui l'emmène dans un voyage introspectif pour découvrir son potentiel de femme et d'écrivain.
Detective per caso

Detective per caso

Mar 18, 2019
Giulia dreams to become a detective since she was little. When one night her cousin dissapears, Giulia starts searching for him with the help of her friends.
The Boat

The Boat

May 26, 2023
Trois couples de riches amis décident de voyager en mer Méditerranée à bord d’un luxueux yacht. Mais après une première nuit de fête, ils se retrouvent au milieu de la mer sans eau ni nourriture avec un navire qui ne démarre plus, seul une voix inconnue dans un talkie-walkie les relie au reste du monde.


Mar 01, 1991
The "Brigatte Veneno" is a fan group from the soccer club "AS Roma". The next match is against "Juventus Turin", the classic prestige duel. Principe, the former leader of the group, has been dismissed from jail a few days before. He has to realize that his best friend Red has not only taken over control of the group, but also has started an affair with his girlfriend. The rivalry between the hot-blooded Principe and the sensible Red causes an anxious mood within the group. When Smilzo, a member of the group, dies during a street fight with another fan group, Red knows that Principe is to be blamed for this catastrophe.
Nove lune e mezza

Nove lune e mezza

Oct 12, 2017
Two contrasting visions of life: on the one hand, the "rock" and adventurous of the brave Livia, cellist without maternal instinct; on the other hand, the reassuring routine of his sister Tina, shy urban vigilant with an ardent desire for maternity.
Pazze di me

Pazze di me

Jan 24, 2013
Andrea is having a bad luck with girls. Maybe because he's only man in his big family which include mother, three sisters, grandma, nurse and a dog which is of course female also.
Briganti - Amore e Libertà
In 1838 in the kingdom of Naples and the Two Sicilies, Malacarne, gamekeeper of Baron San Germano, kills the bandit Caruso, whose widow gives birth to Giovanni and at the same time becomes the nurse of Costanza, San Germano’s orphaned daughter. Thirteen years later, Giovanni and Costanza fall in love to the jealousy of her uncle, who shuts her in a convent, ordering Giovanni to be killed by Malacarne who has meanwhile become a bandit. Barely alive, Giovanni is taken away by Bourbon soldiers. After Garibaldi’s arrival in Sicily and its union with Italy, Costanza is freed from the convent and returns to San Germano. She is visited by Giovanni and although still loves him, rejects him since she wishes to become a nun. In the meantime, Giovanni kills Malacarne and takes his place. Costanza marries the rich Lo Turco and the next day departs for Naples, but during the journey the carriage is attacked by Giovanni’s band. Costanza flees with him and they leave for America.
Tu mi nascondi qualcosa
Une détective privée dit par erreur à un client que sa femme le trompe, un amnésique découvre qu'il a deux femmes, et un homme soupçonne sa petite amie d'être infidèle.
Dans sa peau

Dans sa peau

Feb 18, 2020
Pour conserver leur héritage, des frères jumeaux que tout oppose doivent échanger leurs places pendant un mois.
Quo vadis, baby?

Quo vadis, baby?

Jun 19, 2008
Set in Bologna, it is a noir from the deep and tense tones. Protagonist is Giorgia Cantini, a private investigator forty years, apparently sullen, rebellious and instinctive.


Oct 26, 2022
L’intrigue de « Boris » se déroule dans les coulisses d’une série italienne à petit budget intitulée « Gli occhi del cuore » (« Les Yeux du cœur »).
Rien à signaler : Italie
Deux bandits attendent une livraison importante, deux policiers montent la garde, prêts à déclencher les opérations, et deux opératrices du central se préparent à envoyer des renforts. Mais la livraison se fait attendre, et tous doivent supporter une attente épuisante et trouver un moyen de tuer le temps. Pendant ce temps, Rien à signaler !
Stasera c’è Cattelan su Raidue
A Late Show with a strong identity that bears the name of Alessandro Cattelan: surprising interviews, monologues, music and guests who face all the challenges, even the most unlikely, but without ever taking themselves seriously.
Et si c'était lui?

Et si c'était lui?

Jul 14, 2019
Danseuse de flamenco à Séville, Candela rencontre fortuitement Massimo, un homme d'affaires originaire de Rome, à l'aéroport de Prague. De retour dans leurs pays respectifs, ils pensent sans cesse l'un à l'autre... Candela et Massimo observent alors un phénomène étrange. Chacun apparaît dans la vie de l'autre sous forme de vision, dans des situations très différentes...