A war drama that tells the story of the discovery of the illegal AL printing works by the Nazis, showing the activities of the left-wing underground in the occupied capital.
Polish feature film from 1939 , directed by Wanda Jakubowska with a screenplay by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz , based on the novel by Eliza Orzeszkowa of the same title. The film was lost during World War II.
Polish feature film from 1939 , directed by Wanda Jakubowska with a screenplay by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz , based on the novel by Eliza Orzeszkowa of the same title. The film was lost during World War II.
Follows the lives of people shortly after World War 2 as they try to adjust to their new lives. Completed in 1946, it was banned from release by the communist government of Poland until 1957 in edited form.