En quittant sa Bolivie natale, Freddy a laissé ce qui comptait le plus pour lui : sa famille. Il rejoint Buenos Aires dans l'espoir de trouver un bon travail et un logement pour faire venir les siens. Or, cette ville se révèle beaucoup moins accueillante que prévu. En effet, la capitale argentine a cessé d'être l'Eldorado où tous les rêves étaient possibles.
Bear has never gotten over the separation from his wife and daughter after having been convicted for armed robbery and homicide and sent to prison. Now he is out, to finally get his cut of the money and reunite with his family, or at least avenge the damage done.
Julia, an aspiring artist, turns thirty and is alone and without prospects; she meets Matías and her life seems to change. That same summer Matías invites her to move into his house. However, the appearance of Rodrigo, Matías' best friend, will introduce Julia to a state of confusion between these two men.