Leslie de Gruyter

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Appartement 512

Appartement 512

Apr 21, 1994
Jeune femme médecin divorcée, Roos emménage avec son fils dans un immeuble au bord de la mer. Elle rencontre un autre locataire, Eric. Ensemble, ils découvrent que la femme de ménage de Roos a été assassinée…


Nov 26, 1998
Pupil Abel is the victim of Laura's nasty prank, yet gets accidentally blamed and overreacts. His ma withdraws him from school and gets him a job as lift-boy. But its' a special lift: when he pushes the forbidden green button, it takes him, Laura, Jozias Tump and Maria Klaterhoen to Manhattan. There he's mistaken by a rich bitch who looks like his mother for her long missing son Johnny. When a police helicopter comes to tow the lift cabin, the Dutchmen get back in. It takes them to a Latin American country, Perugona. The new revolutionary leader realizes presidents live about one year, so he gives the job to Mr. Tump, who saved his life. The news coverage attracts Abel's and Johnny's family, in time for an even weirder finale.
Meurtes au crayon

Meurtes au crayon

Jan 01, 1982
Un maniaque terrorise une ville belge en assassinant des femmes, sa superbe technique est toujours la même : il leur plante un crayon dans le nez. Flanqué d'un photographe à la manque qui a perdu sa femme et son fils dans un terrible accident de voiture, l'inspecteur Rick va essayer de trouver le meurtrier...


Sep 12, 2003
Frank and Paul are best friends forever and raised Frank's daughter Lilli after a tragic car accident. The two men scrape a living by working as barmen and bouncers in a strip club while Lilly has grown into a lively and self-confident teenager. The disaster unfolds when Lilli seduces Paul and gets pregnant.


Jan 01, 1985
When Anna, a twenty-eight-year-old photographer, is put in charge of a report on the restoration works at The Ostend Museum of Modern Art, she discovers by chance five paintings signed Constant Permeke, whose power and mystery move and fascinate her.She decides to embark on a quest to find out about who Permeke actually was, the places where he lived, how he worked, what experiences he went through.
Paramaribo Papers

Paramaribo Papers

Mar 11, 2002
The notorious December killings in Surinam in the early eighties seem to be the starting point for the political thriller Paramaribo Papers. Largely shot in Surinam, this TV film tells about secret agent Robert Lipmann, who is ordered by the Dutch government to start a search for the disappeared journalist Kevin Poelgeest. The country is plagued by great agitation under the military regime of commander Raymond Markelo, who is forcefully thwarting the opposition. During his search, Lipmann meets Elvira, Kevin's sister who is having an affair with the commander. Like Lipmann, she is convinced that Kevin's supposed death involves a settlement in the drug scene. But then, important evidence pops up and the cause of Kevin's disappearance has to be regarded from quite a different perspective. Unknowingly, they head for the tragic events of 8 December 1982.
Le monde de Ludovic

Le monde de Ludovic

Feb 02, 1993
Ludovic, un jeune garçon délaissé par ses parents artistes, tombe amoureux de Sophie, la fille d'un professeur de piano. Ils se rencontrent dans des endroits secrets de la ville. Peu de temps après que le père de Sophie les a trouvés nus ensemble dans sa chambre, Ludovic est renvoyé chez ses grands-parents. Sophie s'enfuit de chez lui pour le rejoindre, et ils se cachent au bord de la mer et dans des bâtiments abandonnés. Une fois retrouvés, leurs parents essaient de les séparer, mais ils tombent tous les deux dans une profonde dépression.
De Bunker

De Bunker

Feb 22, 2023
A specialized team is responsible for the country's State Security. This Antwerp cell operates from the bunker, a secret and underground headquarters
Action & Adventure
Zone Stad

Zone Stad

May 27, 2013
Zone Stad is a Flemish-Belgian TV series about a police-department located in Antwerp. In the series, police officers solve various crimes, which are shown as realistically as possible.
Flikken Maastricht

Flikken Maastricht

Mar 07, 2025
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.
Urgence disparitions

Urgence disparitions

Apr 07, 2016
Chaque épisode de la série raconte un suivi de dossier d'une personne disparue par la Cellule des personnes disparues de la Police fédérale belge , qui s'occupe des disparitions, de l'identification de personnes et de restes humains.