Guus Dam

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Mar 13, 2008
In the late Seventies, a Dutch teenager named Frankie, who is the son of a holocaust survivor, lives in a working class area in Holland. Frankie’s mother is taken to hospital in a terminal condition, causing a bigger rift between him and his father. This leads to Frankie becoming the interest of the local Nazi skinhead group.
Alex in Amsterdam

Alex in Amsterdam

Sep 26, 2009
The somewhat naïve teenager Alex Meulenaers leaves his hometown, to go study economics in Amsterdam. He is the first of his family to leave Limburg. However, faith has something else in store for him. The movie shows us how Alex sees Amsterdam: sometimes threathening, sometimes absurd and always with wonder.


Jan 25, 2008
Dexter's controlled life gets thrown into confusion when a girl appears on his work that looks exactly like his girlfriend Stella. At home his beloved Stella doesn't understand what's going on and she starts questioning their relationship. Dexter's life deteriorates furthermore: traffic bills keep coming in, he is banned from his trusted working place, Stella breaks up with him, and his boss sends him on an immediate leave. When Dexter has crashed several cars, he is arrested by the police and taken to hospital. There he is told that a stroke has caused him a brain damage in his right hemisphere. Consequently he doesn't see left anymore and his sense of reality has been affected: he sees the same people everywhere. Dexter has to learn to live in a world wherein people look alike.
Dik Trom

Dik Trom

May 01, 2010
Fat adolescent Dik Trom enjoys growing up in a hedonistic town devoted to food and fun. When a restaurant chain offers his father the life-long-dreamed opportunity to run his own, the Trom family moves. Their new home town Dunhoven is however inhabited by health freaks who prefer only fitness to dietary sobriety.
Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Jun 10, 2015
Aux alentours de 1900, le directeur d'un orphelinat tente de gagner un peu d'argent en vendant les orphelins pour le travail des enfants. Dès que nous entrons dans l'histoire, un des orphelins, Wim, est sur le point d'être vendu à un homme brutal. L'homme veut que Wim aille au marché avec un petit singe pour voler les gens. Lorsqu'ils arrivent au marché, Wim réussit à s'échapper avec le singe en se cachant dans une vieille péniche avec l'aide de Jet, une fille qui vit à la campagne. Lorsqu'ils arrivent à la ferme où vit Jet, il rencontre sa petite sœur Sien et son ami Ot, deux petits enfants qui s'occuperont de Wim et du singe pendant les prochaines semaines. Lorsque l'homme brutal découvre enfin la cachette de Wim, une véritable course-poursuite s'ensuit et Wim est à nouveau enfermé à l'orphelinat. Mais c'est alors que le père de Jet, un instituteur, interfère..... Une histoire pour toute la famille sur le début de la scolarité obligatoire en 3D !
Une Belle famille

Une Belle famille

Jan 08, 2014
Amy et Tim sont les enfants d'un couple recomposé. Par chance, ils s'entendent à merveille. Malheureusement, le père de Tim, Rik, et la maman de Amy, Tosca, ne peuvent en dire autant ; leurs disputes sont de plus en plus fréquentes. Une nouvelle séparation semble inévitable. Les enfants ont alors l'idée de réaliser un petit film pour aider leurs parents à s'aimer de nouveau...


Feb 15, 2004
Law student Thijs shares a house in which every room is the HQ of constant cruising for one night stands, relationships are considered a waste of lives. Suddenly Ben, his best mate since childhood, announces he passed on his room to Susan, who brings her studly boyfriend Stef, because Ben is- getting married to heiress Talita Bekooy. Thijs now remembers his old ambition to start his own restaurant, but can't get a bank loan- until Ben recommends Thijs, the till then reluctant best man, to his in-laws-to-be as MC for the society wedding of the year, Sir is pleased to hear the extravaganza budget 'reduced' to 150,000 Euros. Then Cupid's arrow hits Thijs himself and Susan, but when the banker tells dad Bekooy he's totally inexperienced and poor, it all crumbles down. Yet the boy bravely perseveres...
Dokter Tinus

Dokter Tinus

Nov 13, 2017
A successful vascular surgeon is suddenly confronted with a blood phobia, making it impossible for him to exercise his job in the hospital. He moves from the capital to the countryside to work as the GP of a village where he only knows his aunt. His predecessor was well liked, so his new community is less than welcoming. The empathic capabilities of the doctor leaves much to be desired, making it even harder for him to win his place in the close-knit community.
Flikken Maastricht

Flikken Maastricht

Feb 28, 2025
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.
Het Huis Anubis en de Vijf van het Magische Zwaard
Het Huis Anubis en de Vijf van Het Magische zwaard is a Dutch / Flemish mystery series in which five people, each born with an oversensitive sense, have to fight against Dark Druids who want to steal their senses for their own purposes. The House of Anubis and the Five of the Magical Sword has aired since 17 March 2010 and was broadcast on Nickelodeon. The last episode aired in 2011. There will not be a third season. The program is produced in association with Studio 100. The series is a sequel / spin-off to Het Huis Anubis, which ended a year earlier. No traces of the last residents and the cast of the original series are in the new series, although this new cast did make a cameo appearance in the last Anubis film. The movie, called: De terugkeer van Sibuna, is about Nienke and the rest of the club trying to save Appie from a German clan, who want to curse him to make themselves the rulers of the world. The only character to appear in both the original and this spin-off is Victor. He appears in the teaser for first episode, where he's seen selling the House of Anubis to Kai and Arlène.
Tien Torens Diep

Tien Torens Diep

Feb 28, 2010
Ten Towers Deep is a 2010 Dutch television series directed by Marc Willard, based on the book of the same name by Jacques Vriens.