Alexey Marchenko

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Изображая жертву
Un jeune homme abandonne ses études universitaires et se rend à la police. Il n'a rien fait de mal, il veut juste un travail. Un travail particulier. Jouer la victime dans les reconstitutions de meurtres. Peut-être qu'en approchant de la mort, il parviendra à tricher tout seul.
День учителя
A day in the life of a typical character of Russian history, "the little man": a school teacher of Russian language and literature. An intellectual and his problems at the beginning of the 21st century. A day in the life of the country which Yesenin loved. About a country that still has hope...
Белая мама

Белая мама

May 30, 2018
Аlina Makarova is a mother of six of her own children and one adopted child. Her ex husband is from Ethiopia, and all her own children are mixed race. Only her adopted son is white, but he has serious health problems and is psychologically unstable. Alina's older children realise what complications the adoption might bring and are afraid that there won't be enough room, time and love for everyone. But she convinces them that it's the right thing.
Прошло три года
The main character of the film, Alexander Strizhenova, became famous in talk shows and tabloid media as the daughter of a Soviet actress, Natalya Strizhenova, who grew up without a father - but this is not mentioned in the film by Rastorguev. Sasha, beaten by life, when we meet her, lives in a cluttered and untidy village house somewhere in the Moscow Region with her husband, with whom they swear dirtyly in the presence of their young son Ilya. Sasha smokes, drinks and endlessly suffers from a lack of love and from the fact that no one can understand it. Three years later, the viewer again sees her life - in another place, with another man and with a new child, but in about the same circumstances.