René van Asten

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Papa's Song

Papa's Song

Mar 30, 2000
A local Dutch judge gets entangled in the mysterious past of his Antilian wife.
Lijmen/Het been

Lijmen/Het been

Jan 18, 2000
Story of two con men, Boorman and his younger assistant Laarmans, who are trying to sell companies their non-existing magazine.


Nov 26, 1998
Pupil Abel is the victim of Laura's nasty prank, yet gets accidentally blamed and overreacts. His ma withdraws him from school and gets him a job as lift-boy. But its' a special lift: when he pushes the forbidden green button, it takes him, Laura, Jozias Tump and Maria Klaterhoen to Manhattan. There he's mistaken by a rich bitch who looks like his mother for her long missing son Johnny. When a police helicopter comes to tow the lift cabin, the Dutchmen get back in. It takes them to a Latin American country, Perugona. The new revolutionary leader realizes presidents live about one year, so he gives the job to Mr. Tump, who saved his life. The news coverage attracts Abel's and Johnny's family, in time for an even weirder finale.


Mar 08, 2004
For all Frits, a farmer's son, knows, his mother died when giving birth to him. He and his father make up a strong team. In the literal and figurative sense, because his father not only teaches him to milk the cows and hunt, he is also the coach of his soccer team. The happy tide turns when the boy turns eighteen and is scouted as a promising soccer talent. Suddenly, Frits's future is no longer with his father on the farm, but on the green grass of the Nijmegen soccer club NEC. His son's splendid soccer career may be the crowning glory of the farmer's hard work, but he is afraid he will also lose his only child. Desperate, he reveals the lie with which he raised his son. Frits is bewildered and makes a dramatic decision.


Jan 29, 2015
Nord de l’Europe, XVIIème siècle. dans sa lutte contre le royaume d’Angleterre pour le contrôle des routes commerciales, la flotte hollandaise perd son amiral lors d’une bataille épique. Au même moment, Charles II d’Angleterre fait appel au royaume de France pour porter le coup de grâce. désormais isolée et en sous-nombre, la jeune république des Pays-Bas doit convaincre Michiel de Ruyter, le plus brillant et redouté stratège de son époque, de prendre tous les risques à la tête de la flotte pour empêcher la grande invasion. Le plus grand affrontement naval de l’histoire va commencer.


Oct 08, 2015
Festival favorite Huub Smit (New Kids Nitro; New Kids Turbo; Bros Before Hos) stars as a Dutch cop raised on far too many American action films in this outrageous action comedy.


Oct 31, 2010
Connaissez-vous la véritable histoire de Saint Nicolas ? Oubliez le gentil vieillard qui vous apporte des cadeaux avant Noël...Il était en réalité un évêque déchu et sanguinaire, à la tête d'une horde de voleurs et d'assassins. Au Moyen-âge, ils s'en prenaient aux enfants et aux familles qui avaient le malheur d'être sur leur chemin. Excédés, les villageois décidèrent un soir de se débarrasser de cette bande redoutable en mettant le feu à leur navire. Peu avant de mourir, Saint Nicolas jura que son assassinat ne resterait pas impuni...Depuis, toutes les nuits de pleine lune qui tombent un 5 décembre, jour de leur mort, Saint Nicolas et ses compagnons reviennent de l'au-delà et assouvissent leur effroyable désir de vengeance dans l'horreur et le sang.


Sep 28, 2020
Une thérapeute commence à douter de la réalité lorsqu'un de ses patients, un garçon de 10 ans, prétend pouvoir contrôler son futur.
De 5 van de 4-daagse

De 5 van de 4-daagse

Oct 10, 1974
Four inmates are ordered to enter an annual four day walking tournament. When they get over their initial annoyment, each one of them finds a way to take advantage of their time out of jail.
Verboden ogen

Verboden ogen

Jan 01, 2002
Fernando considers himself an alien who may die when someone looks him in the eye. An innocent expression like 'I saw you watching, you know' is lethal now. A metaphor for the vulnerability of a boy in relation to the girl he is in love with.
Dokter Tinus

Dokter Tinus

Nov 13, 2017
A successful vascular surgeon is suddenly confronted with a blood phobia, making it impossible for him to exercise his job in the hospital. He moves from the capital to the countryside to work as the GP of a village where he only knows his aunt. His predecessor was well liked, so his new community is less than welcoming. The empathic capabilities of the doctor leaves much to be desired, making it even harder for him to win his place in the close-knit community.
Wij Alexander

Wij Alexander

Nov 28, 1998
Who is Patient Number 4, and what does he have to do with the Van Oranje-Nassau's, the Dutch royal family?
Project Orpheus

Project Orpheus

May 29, 2016
A group of five top medicine students is admitted to a prestigious program. They'll be working for a renowned professor who turns out to have a secret agenda. The students soon discover a extremely dangerous experiment called Project Orpheus
Flikken Maastricht

Flikken Maastricht

Feb 28, 2025
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.


Mar 01, 2018
A dark world of well-organised drug crime is hidden behind the calm life of Brabant. Jara and Rens both come to discover that when upon return to their birth province after a long time. She wants to clear the name of her father, he wants to distance himself from his criminal family - but they both get terribly entangled in the web of the upper and underworld, whose boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred.


Feb 22, 2003
Sitcom about two grandfathers taking care of their grandchildren, so their children can focus on their careers.