Chris Nietvelt

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Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

Sep 28, 2023
Tumultuous events triggered by the death of a Dutch sugar plantation owner who ends up leaving his Indian Ocean island estate to his young illegitimate son - the child of his Indonesian housemaid.
ITA Live: Kings of War
In Kings of War, director Ivo van Hove focuses on political leadership. The original texts were retranslated by Rob Klinkenberg and then thoroughly adapted: the Hundred Years' War between England and France, and the Rose Wars between the houses of Lancaster and York for the English throne, which are emphatically present as a historical context in the original pieces, were referred to the background in the adaptation in order to accommodate a varied portrait of successive kings. As leaders in times of political instability and war, they show remarkable affinities with world leaders today.
Romeinse Tragedies

Romeinse Tragedies

Feb 14, 2021
In Roman tragedies, Ivo van Hove and Jan Versweyveld have created a unique arena in which Shakespeare speaks about our time more than ever and the political game in all its facets.
Red Light

Red Light

Feb 05, 2021
Trois femmes se retrouvent empêtrées dans le monde de la traite des êtres humains et de la prostitution lorsque le mari d'Esther disparaît soudainement. Venant d'univers complètement différents, les vies de ces femmes s'entremêlent. Elles découvrent qu'elles ont besoin les unes des autres pour échapper aux situations difficiles dans lesquelles elles se trouvent.
The Twelve

The Twelve

Oct 22, 2023
Douze citoyens ordinaires sont appelés à former un jury d'assises dans une affaire de meurtre aussi traumatisante que controversée : Fri Palmers, une directrice d'école respectée, est accusée de deux assassinats, dont celui de son propre enfant.


Mar 22, 2019
Lorsqu'une jeune fille d'origine africaine profondément traumatisée déambule parmi les polders de la région frontalière entre la Flandre et les Pays-Bas, une enquête est ouverte sur Tara, un inspecteur de police néerlandais de Rotterdam, et sur Bert, un psychiatre d'Anvers.
F*** You Very, Very Much
Fed up with her banal existence, Ann ditches her life as it is. Dragging her two best friends along, she navigates a year of brutally-honest madness, enlightened by mental field trips to the Stone Age and unsolicited superhero advice.


Mar 01, 2018
A dark world of well-organised drug crime is hidden behind the calm life of Brabant. Jara and Rens both come to discover that when upon return to their birth province after a long time. She wants to clear the name of her father, he wants to distance himself from his criminal family - but they both get terribly entangled in the web of the upper and underworld, whose boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred.
Flikken Maastricht

Flikken Maastricht

Feb 28, 2025
Former Amsterdam police detective Floris Wolfs has been transferred to the police department of the south-Dutch country town Maastricht. His metropolitan experience nicely complements the local expertise of his new country colleagues, who know the folks. Slowly he fits in, while solving countless crimes together with his female partner Eva van Dongen.