Nica De Koenigswarter

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Jan 01, 1968
Part one of a two-part portrait of the great Jazz composer and pianist. In 1968, we had the opportunity to spend time with Thelonious Monk and his musicians, following him in New York and Atlanta. In New York his quartet plays at the Village Vanguard and at recording sessions for Columbia Records; in Atlanta they appear at a Jazz Festival organized by George Wein. The members of the quartet were Charlie Rouse, Larry Gales, and Ben Riley.
Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser
Entre 1967 et 1968, les freres Michael et Christian Blackwood suivent et filment pendant six mois Thelonious Monk pendant sa tournee europeenne. Il en resulte une emission pour la television allemande d'une heure. Douze ans plus tard ils en parlent a Bruce Ricker qui contacte aussitot Charlotte Zwerin, la realisatrice. Le financement est difficile mais grace a l'aide de Clint Eastwood, le film peut se realiser. Aux documents des freres Blackwod ont ete ajoutes des documents d'archives et des interviews recentes de ses musiciens.