Daniel Nemes

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God Particles

God Particles

Nov 21, 2014
God Particles is a series of shorts that chronicles the days leading up to the creation of the god particle and-quite possibly-the end of the world.


Mar 02, 2021
An LGBTQ Short Film about a gay man who is struggling to deal with the loss of his boyfriend while stranded in isolation.
Avengers Grimm

Avengers Grimm

Mar 17, 2015
Quand Rumpelstiltskin détruit le miroir magique et s'enfuit dans le monde réel, les princesses des contes de fées doivent s'unir pour l'affronter... C’est ainsi que Blanche Neige, le Chaperon Rouge, Cendrillon, la Belle au bois dormant et Rapunzel débarquent à Los Angeles afin de sauver le monde et combattre un danger d’une ampleur inimaginable.
Holy War, Inc.

Holy War, Inc.

Sep 16, 2011
This is the story of a company placed on Earth by the Christian god with the sole purpose of killing members of other religions than Christianity.
53 Days : The Abduction Of Mary Stauffer
L'histoire vraie de Mary Stauffer et de sa fille, Beth, retenues pendant 53 jours en captivité par Ming Sen Shiue, un ancien étudiant de Mary, totalement obsédé par elle. L'enseignante a été victime de coups, de viols et de tortures en tous genre. Sa foi a aidé May à trouver la force de s'échapper, de sauver sa fille ainsi que sa propre vie.
You Have a Nice Flight
A lovable Vietnamese manicurist, Dong Hung, desperately needs to fly to Vietnam within 24 hours to donate his kidney for a transplant to save his sick twin brother. But Dong Hung just can't stay out of trouble at the airport. His naivete and poor English, along with airport security and an unsympathetic airline leads to hilarious chaos. As things spiral out of control, Dong Hung misses his first flight and is bumped cruelly from the second. A beautiful stewardess, Jesta, tries to help and is pulled into Dong Hung's comical orbit. An unlikely romance develops and a hero emerges.


Mar 02, 2021
An LGBTQ Short Film about a gay man who is struggling to deal with the loss of his boyfriend while stranded in isolation.
Home and Away

Home and Away

Feb 20, 2025
Home and Away is set in the fictional town of Summer Bay, a coastal town in New South Wales, and follows the personal and professional lives of the people living in the area. The show initially focused on the Fletcher family, Pippa and Tom Fletcher and their five foster children Frank Morgan, Carly Morris, Steven Matheson, Lynn Davenport and Sally Keating, who would go on to become one of the show's longest-running characters. The show also originally and currently focuses on the Stewart family. During the early 2000s, the central storylines focused on the Sutherlands and later, the Hunters. Home and Away had proved popular when it premiered in 1988 and had risen to become a hit in Australia, and after only a few weeks, the show tackled its first major and disturbing storyline, the rape of Carly Morris; it was one of the first shows to feature such storylines during the early timeslot. H&A has tackled many adult-themed and controversial storylines; something rarely found in its restricted timeslot.


Dec 01, 2011
Delving into the extraordinary world of the Department of Public Prosecutions and its young, eager lawyers, Crownies follows five young solicitors as they face the pressures and endearing madness of modern single life - in a fast paced workplace that highlights the moral dilemmas and big issues facing an apparently civilized society.
Drôles de suspects

Drôles de suspects

Apr 10, 2016
Des personnes sans histoire, membres respectables de leur communauté, basculent un jour dans le crime ; comment la police gère-t-elle ces suspects au-dessus de tout soupçon ?
Deadly Women

Deadly Women

Sep 09, 2021
This compelling series investigates the motives and m.o. of female murderers. While males are often driven by anger, impulse and destruction, women usually have more complex, long-term reasons to kill.
Packed to the Rafters

Packed to the Rafters

Jul 02, 2013
Packed to the Rafters is an Australian family-oriented television series which premiered on the Seven Network on Tuesday 26 August 2008 at 8:30 pm. The show has continued on Tuesdays in this timeslot for its entire run. The drama series features a mix of lighthearted comedy woven through the plot. It revolves around the Rafter family facing work pressures and life issues, whilst also tackling serious social issues. The Logie award winning series was the highest rating to screen on the Seven Network in 2008, and the show has consistently been among the top 5 shows of the year throughout its run in Australia. It was announced in TV Week that the sixth season of Packed to the Rafters would be the last, with Hugh Sheridan stating: "It's emotional letting go of Rafters – for all of us. It was such an amazing chapter in Aussie TV. I'm really proud we all came back together to send it off." The two-hour series finale of Rafters aired on 2 July 2013, which saw the return of Hugh Sheridan, Jessica Marais, Ryan Corr, Jessica McNamee and James Stewart. Rebecca Gibney said, "The cast, writers and producers have always said that we wanted to keep Rafters as one of the most-watched shows on TV. If we ever felt like we were losing too many cast members, we needed to end it on a high. We can say season six winds up an aspect of the Rafter family and there is a sense of finality to it."


Oct 07, 2018
Avocat pénaliste, Cleaver Greene est téméraire, brillant, drôle, têtu et enclin à l’autodestruction… Sans parler de sa vie professionnelle, où il a une sérieuse tendance à choisir les causes perdues, et à défendre ceux qui sont indéfendables ! Il met son point d’honneur à prendre les conventions à contrepied. Rake nous plonge dans l’amour, la folie, la dépendance et la loi. C’est-à-dire dans la vie moderne !
The Magicians

The Magicians

Apr 01, 2020
Bientôt diplômé, Quentin Coldwater a du mal à se projeter dans son avenir en laissant de côté la magie qui le passionne depuis sa tendre enfance. A sa grande surprise, le jeune homme est admis à Brakebills, une école secrète qui forme les futurs magiciens. Il y fait la connaissance d'Alice, Penny, Margo et Eliot , avec lesquels il entretient des relations tantôt complices et souvent conflictuelles. Ensemble, ils vont pourtant devoir faire face à de grands dangers, des forces maléfiques venues de contrées insoupçonnées. Pendant ce temps, Julia, la meilleure amie de Quentin, qui a échoué aux tests d'admission de Brakebills, suit son propre chemin. Un chemin obscur et dangereux qui pourrait la mener à sa perte…