Choe Tae-Hwan

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Sep 06, 2018
Real action between the real fighters of this generation! Fighter Yeong-tan challenges Moon-soo to a fight. They put their egos on the line in this battle. While betrayal and schemes surround them, who will win the fight?
땡칠이와 쌍라이트
The aliens of the evil planet in the universe indiscriminately attack the peaceful little stars to occupy the photochemical metal that can be used as the largest weapon. The only survivor pair Wright brothers have metal and avoid the Earth. The planet aliens who have pursued them drive a beautiful, peaceful earth into a panic of terror. On the other hand, Brother Wright, who barely loses his life on the sea of ​​the earth, meets with Dr. Cho, Oh, a senior doctor of photochemistry in Korea, who is the world's leading authority. They join forces to figure out the principles of metal. Drs put the energy of the metal into the Sir Wright brothers and they gain the power of invincibility. The Sir Wright brothers and sisters combine their strengths with boys and girls to fight aliens, save the planet, and pay off the enemies of their parents and brothers.
The Suspect

The Suspect

Dec 24, 2013
Ji Dong Cheol est un réfugié nord-coréen, ancien espion et membre des forces spéciales du pays, désormais au service de Park Geon Ho en tant que chauffeur. Ce dernier, nord-coréen également, s'est pris d'affection pour le jeune homme, le voyant comme un fils et le traitant comme tel. Un jour, en récompense de ses services, il lui donne l'adresse d'un homme qu'il recherche depuis bien longtemps : Ri Gwang Jo. Malheureusement, un soir, alors qu'il se rend au chevet du président Park, un autre homme est déjà sur place et inflige une piqure létale au vieil homme. Ji Dong Cheol finit par mettre l'assassin K.O. et récupère des étranges lunettes que M. Park lui demande d'enterrer. S'en suit alors une course-poursuite entre le transfuge nord-coréen et les plus grands services secrets sud-coréens, avec à leur tête le colonel Min Se Hun, qui le soupçonnent de l'assassinat du président Park.
5 변신전사 트랜스 토디
Fifteen years ago, a Korean space scientist and his team mysteriously disappear. The only survivor is Dr. Lee who creates a super men to fight aliens in case they attack earth. He transforms the sons of the missing scientists into these superhuman heroes. They are the Morph Warrior Trans Brothers. The Olmecca aliens who disappeared off the face of the earth 2000 years ago, revive Kukulkhan, their old leader in a scheme to conquer earth. Princess Adena of Maya helps the Trans Brothers. The Trans Brothers, with the help of Dr. Lee's superior weapons, the Princess, and Toady, the personified toad, defeat the evil Olmecca aliens who had been planning to use Maya as the base of operations to conquer earth.