Adriana Montes de Oca

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Valentino, Puedes Ser Tu Propio Héroe o Villano
The life of Gonzalo, a former soap opera superstar, gets complicated when his demons appear as an alter ego named Valentino. Gonzalo must try to get the role of his career in a new TV series of a famous producer who is about to celebrate his wedding with Carmen, a cardiologist who steals Gonzalo's heart. What no one expects is that Valentino will make constant appearances and ruin everything.
Dos más dos

Dos más dos

Mar 31, 2022
Le mariage de Sara et Enrique traverse une crise monotone dont il n'a aucune idée. Heureusement, Sara apprend de Lucy un secret qui pourrait être la solution pour sauver sa relation : Lucy et Ricardo pratiquent la polygamie. Sachant à quel point Enrique fait confiance à Ricardo, son collègue, Sara fait tout pour persuader son mari de tenter le coup, ce qui aboutit à des situations absurdes qui le poussent presque à subir une crise de panique. Jusqu'à ce qu'il parvienne enfin à se détendre et à profiter des avantages de la polygamie, laissant place à un tout nouvel Enrique : un homme à femmes coquin et confiant. Tôt ou tard, les hormones trahissent les sentiments et les deux couples finissent par traverser la pire crise qu'ils aient jamais connue. Tous les remèdes ne fonctionnent pas de la même manière pour tout le monde, et cela inclut la réconciliation.
Sexo, pudor y lágrimas 2
Twenty years have passed since those two apartments in the heart of Mexico City were the battlefield of a war of the sexes between Ana, Carlos, Andrea, Miguel, Tomás and María. All that is left of those apartments are memories and the image of Tomás' dead body at the bottom of the elevator shaft. Their lives have changed, their families have grown and new and unexpected characters have come to unsettle their daily lives and trigger a chain of events that will make them realize that modesty has been replaced by public disclosure; sex is only an app away; but is still something elusive that everyone in today's banal and chaotic world is seeking.
V de Víctor

V de Víctor

May 16, 2024
A retired boxer will return to the ring to face his greatest rival, relying on his daughter, his friends and a famous trainer who will teach him to see the sport from new perspectives.


Oct 21, 2018
Twelve-year-old Camila is going through a difficult time. An introverted girl who seldom interacts with her classmates, she finds refuge in art in general and her sketchbook in particular. She is sad, and her inability to explain her sadness will greatly unsettle the adults around her
Mala fortuna

Mala fortuna

Aug 17, 2023
Michi et Marie Claire se retrouvent face à face alors qu'elles tentent de se rapprocher de la famille Urquiza, l'une des familles les plus riches du Mexique. Toutes les conditions sont réunies pour que l'une d'entre elles sorte vainqueur de l'épreuve.
Mi lista de exes

Mi lista de exes

Nov 22, 2018
After a tarot reader tells her that the love of her life is not in the future, but in the past, and that she must find him before her 30th birthday, young and impulsive María undertakes a desperate search to find love, with the help of her best friends: Pedro, Ana and Lolo, and thus create her list of exes.
Renta Congelada

Renta Congelada

Jul 06, 2023
Two marriages, one young and one mature, are forced to live in the same house for five years after being victims of a real estate fraud. The owner of the house, an elderly woman with Alzheimer, rented the property to both couples at a ridiculous price. Everyone believes they have found the ideal home ... Young people to start their lives and mature to live in the home that only in dreams could have had in their youth. When each of them learned that the other marriage would necessarily share the space with them, they decide to make each other's lives impossible to force the other to leave the house. From sharing the refrigerator, to sitting at the same table will turn into a war of the field. Walking in underwear around the house or leaving the socks worn on the stairs will be the daily life of four people who must take on the biggest challenge of their lives, living in the same space with perfect strangers for five years.