Paralympian Oscar Pistorius fatally shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013. Almost a decade later, Reeva's parents prepare to confront their daughter's murderer.
A four-part documentary about the South African Paralympic and Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius, who shot and killed his girlfriend in the early hours of Valentine's Day 2013. The story of a man and a nation both born to great disadvantage, the film follows the challenges, hopes and triumphs of both and the demise of their dreams under the glare of the world media.
For more than 25 years, Dateline has brought viewers investigations into some of biggest mysteries in America. This entry in the franchise takes a second look at some of the most mysterious cases of recent history. It explores the stories through firsthand accounts told by people who are close to the crime, including investigators who dedicated their time to the cases and family members who are still trying to confront the tragedies that befell their loved ones.
Oscar Pistorius, sprinter paralympique sud-africain devenu une star internationale, et admiré pour sa détermination sans faille, est devenu le meurtrier de sa petite amie, le mannequin Reeva Steenkamp, tuée par balles au cours de la nuit de la Saint-Valentin en 2013.