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Habibie & Ainun 3

Habibie & Ainun 3

Dec 19, 2019
When she was in high school, Ainun was known as a smart girl and became the target of many male students, including Habibie. In college, Ainun became a popular figure. Ahmad is a man who dared to express his love for Ainun.
Nagih Janji Cinta

Nagih Janji Cinta

Dec 08, 2022
Not willing to let the woman he loves be matched with someone else, Bagas promised Ajeng and her family of blue blood descendants to be successful people and could become people who deserve Ajeng in the eyes of her family.
Finding Srimulat

Finding Srimulat

Apr 11, 2013
Beset by financial woes, an event planner with a baby on the way tries to reunite an iconic comedy troupe for a performance that could save the day.
Memories Of My Body

Memories Of My Body

Apr 18, 2019
Masculinité et féminité incarnées dans un même corps (sujet devenu tabou et censuré parmi une population en majorité musulmane et sous une gouvernance longtemps militarisée), généalogie des traditions artistiques indonésiennes des danses Lengger Lanang et Reog, récit biographique mêlant flashbacks, rites et cérémonies : l’identité du corps dont Nugroho fait l’histoire est avant toute chose l’objet d’une série de traumatismes dissimulés, intimes et collectifs, marginalisés par des normes sociales qui résistent à tous les changements politiques.
Guru Ngaji

Guru Ngaji

Mar 14, 2018
Mukri who has been willing to teach the Qur'an without expecting anything in return. To provide for his family, Mukri was forced to take a side job as a clown. This was done without the knowledge of his family and all residents of Tempuran Village, because Mukri feels that teaching the Koran is a sacred and honorable job. Contrary to his profession as a clown, which actually provokes people to laugh. One time, Mukri accepted the request of the village head to appear to lead the prayer on his son's birthday. However, on the other hand, he also received an offer to perform as a clown at the same event. Will the secret that Mukri has been keeping tightly uncovered?
Miracle: Jatuh Dari Surga
At first glance, the Tjohjokusumo family looked happy. Andri and Eli look harmonious and happy with their only daughter, Krista. But everything changed when Krista showed a miracle: she was able to treat sick people with the touch of her hand. Coupled with Eli's pregnancy which shook this small family. To his best friend Ramadan [Indra Birowo], Andri is still afraid of having to face the wounds he once went through by bouncing along with Eli. What will happen to this little family in the face of the two things that should make them happy? "MIRACLE: Fall From Heaven" is a modern fairy tale that is very relevant to today's conditions. About a family facing a miracle with different reactions. A film that questions miracles with faith, trust and belief to sacrifices related to sincerity. Also supported by the beautiful landscape of the city of Solo and the spice of the issue of tolerance which is packaged attractively, this film is suitable for viewing by the whole family.


Sep 27, 2024
Restricted by her grandfather due to her deafness, Dewi finds renewed enthusiasm through Ayu, who can be a model, and Rino, who is a blogger and photographer, both of whom share her deafness.