Fajar Suharno

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Feuille sur un Oreiller
The Indonesian society is seen through a middle-aged lady's eyes in her daily encounters with the street children who work and live off the harsh and sleazy world of adults.
Dari Hal Waktu

Dari Hal Waktu

Nov 20, 2021
Fajar Suharno was a theater maestro from the 80's to the 90's. He was imprisoned because his theater activities were considered against the New Order government. At its peak, he made a show entitled "Geger Uwong Ngoyak Macan" about the events of crushing people who were considered thugs/criminals (Petrus). The show was held exactly the day before the massacre took place


Dec 01, 2016
Mbah Sri (95 years old) is looking for the grave of her husband, who has been missing for decades, with one simple aim: she wants to rest in peace beside her husband’s grave.
Happy Family

Happy Family

Dec 02, 2016
After making phone calls for so many times and searching for words about his daughter without finding any exact answer
Bumi Manusia

Bumi Manusia

Aug 15, 2019
A Javanese royal and half-Dutch woman fall in love as Indonesia rises to independence from colonial rule.
Sang Pencerah

Sang Pencerah

Sep 07, 2010
Returning from Mecca, Darwis changes his name to Ahmad Dahlan as he is disturbed by the trend of Islamic laws in his society; that borders on heresy, Syrik (polytheism), and Bid’ah (wrong innovation). Using a compass, he proves that the direction of Qibla (that points to Mecca), in the Great Mosque of Kauman is wrong. The discovery angers every Kyai (Islamic experts), especially the head of the Great Mosque of Kauman, Kyai Penghulu Cholil Kamaludiningrat. Dahlan, who studied in Mecca for five years, is seen as a rebel upstart. Since the proposal of changing the direction of Qibla is rejected, Dahlan starts a movement calling for the change. On his first sermon as a preacher, Dahlan criticizes the habits of residents in his village in Yogyakarta: "In a prayer, only a sincere and patient heart is needed, it requires no Kyais, money, let alone offerings". As a result, Dahlan gets a hostile reception.
Jõulud džunglis

Jõulud džunglis

Dec 04, 2020
Moving from Latvia to exotic Indonesia has proven to be quite a challenge for Paula’s (10) family. Her Mother has a hard time adapting to the country. Her sister, Kate (14), is entering puberty, and her Father’s workaholic nature is causing tension in the family. Luckily, the local boy Akhim (12) offers a ray of hope by telling Paula about special Shaman living in the jungle who has a superpower to bring Christmas everywhere. That must be Santa Claus himself! Kids join on a joyful adventure to find Christmas in the Jungle!
Munggah Kaji

Munggah Kaji

Jan 01, 2017
In a village down at the slope of mount Merapi, Wening (80 years old) is preparing for the Hajj. Her departure this time has been planned long in advance as she is delegating her close friend Darmi's pilgrimage as well. This is as Darmi is unable to perform the Hajj by herself. Close to the day of departure, Darmi’s family holds to a ritual of recitation and prayer. Wening's husband Kusmin, however, makes Wening feel uneasy about going for the pilgrimage. Will Wening still perform the Hajj despite her husband's opposition?
Jabang Mayit

Jabang Mayit

Mar 06, 2025
Hujan mysteriously loses her baby. In desperation, she meets Bayu, who offers help. Bayu took her to a shaman. The shaman reveals that Hujan's baby has been taken by a creature from another world, "Hantu Jabang Mayit", a ghost summoned through dark rituals to target babies of mothers who are not ready to give birth.
Memories Of My Body

Memories Of My Body

Apr 18, 2019
Masculinité et féminité incarnées dans un même corps (sujet devenu tabou et censuré parmi une population en majorité musulmane et sous une gouvernance longtemps militarisée), généalogie des traditions artistiques indonésiennes des danses Lengger Lanang et Reog, récit biographique mêlant flashbacks, rites et cérémonies : l’identité du corps dont Nugroho fait l’histoire est avant toute chose l’objet d’une série de traumatismes dissimulés, intimes et collectifs, marginalisés par des normes sociales qui résistent à tous les changements politiques.
Bumi Manusia

Bumi Manusia

Aug 15, 2019
A Javanese royal and half-Dutch woman fall in love as Indonesia rises to independence from colonial rule.
Budi Pekerti

Budi Pekerti

Nov 02, 2023
A schoolteacher's reputation is at risk when a video of her speaking up against injustice goes viral on the internet and is misinterpreted.
Nyanyi Sunyi Dalam Rantang
Puspa, a novice lawyer handling trivial cases, fights for the cause of poor people accused of petty crimes and threatened with disproportionate punishment. As she takes on a rigged legal establishment, she must grapple with her crippling senses of powerlessness, and empathy.
Singsot: Siulan Kematian
A kid defies the ancient taboo of whistling at dusk, unleashing a sinister terror tied to a cursed figure who made the same mistake. Bound by an inescapable curse, he’s thrust into a deadly race against time—because if he fails, the nightmare will become his new reality.