Maree Duffy

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Le Règne du feu

Le Règne du feu

Jul 09, 2002
À Londres, en 2008, le jeune Quinn accompagne sa mère sur un chantier. Celle-ci supervise la construction de tunnels pour le nouveau tracé du métro. Lors du creusement, une paroi s'effondre, révélant un gouffre à la profondeur illimitée. La mère de Quinn descend dans le tunnel, mais une immense colonne de feu s'échappe du trou et tue tous ceux qui se trouvent sur son passage. Resté à l'entrée de l'excavation, le garçon assiste, médusé, à ce tragique événement. Un dragon jaillit alors du tunnel. Vingt ans plus tard, les dragons règnent en maîtres sur une planète en ruines où chaque être humain ne représente pour eux qu'un mets de choix. Quinn est chargé de les éliminer et d'assurer la survie de sa petite communauté. Mais le combat semble perdu d'avance. Un jour, Van Zan, un militaire américain, fait son apparition et prétend connaître le moyen de tuer ces créatures cracheuses de feu.
Pacific homicide

Pacific homicide

Dec 22, 2003
White Collar Blue is an Australian television series made by Knapman Wyld Television for Network Ten from 2002 to 2003. Starring Peter O'Brien as Joe Hill and Freya Stafford as Harriet Walker, the series dealt with a division of the police force working in the city of Sydney and the personal and professional tensions affecting their work and lives. In the pilot episode, Harriet is introduced as the new face to Kingsway station, transferring from the "White Collar" federal police to the "Blue Collar" New South Wales Police. Throughout the series Harriet must deal not only with her husband's brutal murder and the revelation of his adultery, but with learning to adjust and fit into her new surroundings. Joe is Harriet's new partner, and isn't exactly welcoming to her as an addition to the team. With two daughters from previous marriages, Joe needs to juggle his homelife, his dedication to the job and his relationship with Nicole Brown, played by Jodie Dry. The other cops at the station are Ted Hudson, played by Richard Carter, Sophia Marinkovitch and Theo Rahme, and each have their own secrets and problems to deal with. The series was axed after two seasons, however it can be found on cable TV both in Australia and overseas.