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Forever Thirty-Three refers to the first original encyclopedia written and completed about the 1500-year journey of Islamic culture and civilization in the Islamic geography. The story follows two fictional characters: Niyaz and Ekmel. Niyaz is a young academic who graduated from the faculty of theology, and Ekmel is a teacher in his sixties at a university. The two characters’ paths cross in the Encyclopedia of Islam by the Turkiye Diyanet Foundation. The remarkable story of one of the most significant cultural movements in Turkiye’s history has been brought to life with a collective memory spanning 33 years...
Sen Kimsin?

Sen Kimsin?

Mar 02, 2012
À court d'argent, un détective privé lancé à la recherche d'une riche héritière fait face aux mésaventures et aux nombreux obstacles qui se dressent sur son chemin.
Düğün Dernek 2: Sünnet
Entouré de ses vieux acolytes, Ismail se retrouve dans une situation délicate quand la circoncision de son petit-fils met la ville entière sens dessus dessous.
Hedefim Sensin

Hedefim Sensin

Nov 29, 2018
Quand son penchant pour le bavardage lui cause des ennuis, un vendeur de boulettes malchanceux fuit Istanbul pour une île somptueuse où l'attend une nouvelle vie.
Le chant du rossignol

Le chant du rossignol

Jan 13, 2023
Cengiz, un chanteur dans un thé dansant à Bursa, rêve de sortir un album. Sa vie va changer lorsqu'il rencontre Taşkın. Convaincu que la chanson composée par le père de Taşkın, Şerafettin, serait un excellent début pour son album, Cengiz achète la chanson en empruntant de l'argent à son grand frère. Lorsque Taşkın dépense tout cet argent, Cengiz commence à se produire avec Taşkın et sa sœur Arzu.
Rüzgarın Kalbi

Rüzgarın Kalbi

Oct 15, 2016
After loosing is partner in a car accident, Ružgiar disappears in order to escape his past and painful memories.
Jet Sosyete

Jet Sosyete

Feb 21, 2020
The story of a middle class family jumps in the high society unexpected.
Zengin ve Yoksul

Zengin ve Yoksul

May 26, 2019
In the same neighborhood in Istanbul, two different houses in two different worlds. Berringiller, who was struggling with their livelihood at the foot of the slope, and their rich relatives are Erdemliler. Aysel no longer wants to take money from her rich relatives. She doesn't want to wear Aleyna's old ones.