Herman Rarebell

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Scorpions: World Wide Live
Since the Scorpions' career was at its peak, World Wide Live could not have been recorded at a better time. This 19-track album contains all of their early-'80s hits, and while they aren't as energetic on-stage as they are in the studio, the band still perform with a great amount of flamboyance. The record is the Scorpions' only worthwhile live album and is a must for their fans.
Scorpions - Live at Wacken Open Air 2006
Live at Wacken Open Air 2006 est un DVD live du groupe de hard rock Scorpions enregistré en 2006 au festival Wacken Open Air, où le groupe avait la tête d'affiche devant plus de 60 000 personnes. Ce concert célébrant le come back d'éminents anciens membres du groupe, en réalisant (pratiquement) pour le coup une synthèse de "Tokyo Tapes" et "World Wide Live".
Scorpions: Blackout: 50th Band Anniversary
1965 marks the starting point of one of the most successful rock bands of our time. Hailing from Hannover, Germany, SCORPIONS embarked on a journey that would lead them around the globe and would establish them as one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Five of the eight albums are accompanied with a DVD that contains live concert footage from the respective period, together with TV performances and in-depth interviews with the band. In these interviews, they talk about the background history and the creative process of each of these albums: "Lovedrive", "Blackout", "Love At First Sting", "World Wide Live" and "Savage Amusement".
Scorpions: Love At First Sting: 50th Band Anniversary
1965 marks the starting point of one of the most successful rock bands of our time. Hailing from Hannover, Germany, SCORPIONS embarked on a journey that would lead them around the globe and would establish them as one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Five of the eight albums are accompanied with a DVD that contains live concert footage from the respective period, together with TV performances and in-depth interviews with the band. In these interviews, they talk about the background history and the creative process of each of these albums: "Lovedrive", "Blackout", "Love At First Sting", "World Wide Live" and "Savage Amusement".
Scorpions: Lovedrive: 50th Band Anniversary
1965 marks the starting point of one of the most successful rock bands of our time. Hailing from Hannover, Germany, SCORPIONS embarked on a journey that would lead them around the globe and would establish them as one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Five of the eight albums are accompanied with a DVD that contains live concert footage from the respective period, together with TV performances and in-depth interviews with the band. In these interviews, they talk about the background history and the creative process of each of these albums: "Lovedrive", "Blackout", "Love At First Sting", "World Wide Live" and "Savage Amusement".
Scorpions: World Wide Live: 50th Band Anniversary
1965 marks the starting point of one of the most successful rock bands of our time. Hailing from Hannover, Germany, SCORPIONS embarked on a journey that would lead them around the globe and would establish them as one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Five of the eight albums are accompanied with a DVD that contains live concert footage from the respective period, together with TV performances and in-depth interviews with the band. In these interviews, they talk about the background history and the creative process of each of these albums: "Lovedrive", "Blackout", "Love At First Sting", "World Wide Live" and "Savage Amusement".
Scorpions: Savage Amusement: 50th Band Anniversary
1965 marks the starting point of one of the most successful rock bands of our time. Hailing from Hannover, Germany, SCORPIONS embarked on a journey that would lead them around the globe and would establish them as one of the greatest rock bands of all time. Five of the eight albums are accompanied with a DVD that contains live concert footage from the respective period, together with TV performances and in-depth interviews with the band. In these interviews, they talk about the background history and the creative process of each of these albums: "Lovedrive", "Blackout", "Love At First Sting", "World Wide Live" and "Savage Amusement".
Moscow Music Peace Festival
A recap of the Moscow Peace Festival, a heavy metal concert promoting the drug war in Russia, in the aftermath of the fall of the U.S.S.R. Featuring performances by Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Motley Crue, a reunited Black Sabbath, Scorpions, Gorky Park, Nuance, Brigada-S, and Jason Bonham.
Michael Schenker's Temple of Rock - On a Mission: Live in Madrid
Lors de leur tournée mondiale 2015/2016, Michael Schenker et ses valeureux musiciens, qui forment le redoutable groupe Temple Of Rock, ont pris d’assaut la scène du théâtre Joy Eslava de Madrid. Pour le plaisir de tous les fans présents dans une salle chauffée à blanc, Michael Schenker a interprété des titres couvrant l’ensemble de sa carrière. Vieux hits et nouveaux titres sont chantés avec un enthousiasme contagieux et le concert se transforme progressivement en grande fête du rock. Le « Mad Axeman » joue de tout son arsenal de guitares, et il emploie notamment pour la première fois sa Flying-M à deux manches, comportant chacun six cordes, avec des accordages différents. Un concert chargé d’adrénaline, fidèle à la devise de ces ambassadeurs infatigables du rock : Rock’n’Roll will never die!
Scorpions - To Russia With Love and Other Savage Amusements
This video release follows the Scorpions' 1989 Russian tour, with videos from Savage Amusement and Love at First Sting as highlights. 01. Blackout 02. Rhythm of Love 03. Holiday 04. Believe in Love 05. The Zoo 06. Walking on the Edge 07. Long Tall Sally 08. Don't Stop at the Top 09. Rock You Like a Hurricane 10. Media Overkill 11. Passion Rules the Game 12. We Let it Rock, You Let it Roll
Michael Schenker: Temple Of Rock - Live in Europe
A concert from Tilburg in the Netherlands was recorded in May 2012, which distinguishes itself noticeably from previous releases due to the line-up that includes Michael Schenker (lead guitar), Doogie White (vocals), Herman Rarebell (drums), Francis Buchholz (bass) and Wayne Findley (rhythm guitar, keyboards). In addition to this Tilburg concert, fans can experience extracts from London's 2011 High Voltage Festival with Michael Voss (vocals), plus awe-inspiring guest appearances from Schenker's friends and musical companions including his brother Rudolf Schenker (The Scorpions), ex-Journey singer Jeff Scott Soto, and UFO bassist Pete Way.
Scorpions : Pour toujours et un jour
Après 50 ans sur les scènes des quatre coins de la planète, le groupe Scorpions décide qu’il est temps de tirer leur révérence et de se lancer dans un dernier tour de piste. La réalisatrice Katja von Garnier les suit de Bangkok à Moscou dans ce documentaire. Les Scorpions sont devenus adultes et se rappellent de leur passé, depuis leur début de jeunes amateurs de musique à Hanover, profitant du moment présent, de leur relation privilégiée avec leurs fans, leur équipe technique et surtout entre eux. Pour toujours et un jour est le portrait d’une aventure d’une vie, une déclaration d’amour à la musique. Toujours sera à jamais suivi d’un nouveau jour, et c’est la façon dont Scorpions font leur rock’n’roll.
Roger Waters - The Wall, Live in Berlin
The Wall Live in Berlin est un album live de Roger Waters enregistré lors du concert donné sur la Potsdamer Platz le 21 juillet 1990 pour commémorer la chute du mur de Berlin. Il réunit pléthore d'invités, notamment Scorpions, Cyndi Lauper, Sinéad O'Connor, Van Morrison, Marianne Faithfull, ou encore Bryan Adams. L'album sort le 21 août 1990 sur le label Mercury Records et sera suivi par la parution d'une vidéo retraçant le concert.


Dec 30, 2024
The Berliner Abendschau is the news magazine for Berlin.