Greta Galisch de Palma

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Rex Gildo - Der letzte Tanz
Rex Gildo’s songs and musicals made him very popular. His best-known song was “Fiesta Mexicana” from 1972. Rosa von Praunheim tells the story of his life in the context of the gay pride movement, the normative pressures of the Schlager music industry, and the profound changes currently underway.
La femme de chambre et le millionnaire
Johannes Heinrich est un riche manager qui compile succès sur succès et son dernier caprice est l'acquisition d'un hôtel cinq étoiles. Alors qu'il fait le tour du propriétaire, il est soudain rabroué par une femme de chambre qui lui reproche son retard. Comprenant que la charmante jeune femme venait de le prendre pour un garçon de service, Johannes se laisse prendre au jeu et ne fait rien pour dissiper le malentendu.
Die Hitzewelle - Keiner kann entkommen
When Germany is hit by a drought, the Ruhr area is threatened with the collapse of drinking water. Meteorologist Martina Fechner is appointed head of the crisis team, but has to recognize that her colleagues see the crisis as an opportunity for their own career. When even highly toxic germs are discovered in a reservoir, the region is also threatened by a plague.
Der Rekordbeobachter

Der Rekordbeobachter

May 18, 2012
Marvin Feldmann has an unusual job: he works for the "Book of Records". His new order leads the strict and incorruptible record watcher to the Finnish island of Föglö. There is said to be a boy there who can make a stone jump 52 times on the water. Marvin does not have a great desire for the arduous journey, and when the twelve-year-old Elias barely fails in his attempt to set a record, he wants to leave immediately. However, Marvin did not count on the shrewd islanders who want to give the life-threatening boy a second chance - especially Elias' aunt Fanny.
You missed Sonja

You missed Sonja

Jan 01, 1970
Rick Hardin, a mid-30s author of pulp novels, just wants to pick up his girl Sonja at a lonely gas station. But it seems that the cab has already picked her up. At the rest rooms, he witnesses a man battering a woman. Is it Sonja? Rick decides to help, but has to realize, that the victim is not Sonja at all, but a weird woman, who does not want to be helped. And he has to admit, that life sometimes holds strange twists. Unfortunately, this realization seems to come too late.
On Time

On Time

Feb 14, 2008
The story of a heart-broken young man can peek into the future and must act on it on the spot.
Une affaire d'amour

Une affaire d'amour

Sep 13, 2016
Sarah Pohl est journaliste dans un grand journal de Leipzig et elle est en train d'écrire un article sur un employeur (la société FCS) qui engage des femmes illégalement et ces femmes travaillent dans des conditions terribles.
GSG9 : Missions Spéciales
Ils sont courageux et parfaitement formés aux tâches les plus sensibles. Les membres de l'unité d'élite secrète de la police allemande doivent faire face au quotidien à des situations délicates et dangereuses, et ce, aux dépens de leur vie. Des virus mortels aux attentats en passant par les prises d'otages, ils sont préparés à tout...
Action & Adventure


Mar 02, 2012
Les enquêtes, dirigées par le charismatique détective Jan Brenner et son équipe, sont parsemées de flashback. Les victimes deviennent parfois les coupables et inversement. Une course contre la montre s'engage pour résoudre chaque nouvelle affaire... Adaptation allemande de la série espagnole à succès Compte à rebours.
SOKO Stuttgart

SOKO Stuttgart

Feb 20, 2025
The SOKO Stuttgart team investigates analytically and with sensitivity in the likeable state capital. The exciting cases of the series lead them to bizarre crime scenes and to different milieus.
SOKO Stuttgart

SOKO Stuttgart

Feb 20, 2025
The SOKO Stuttgart team investigates analytically and with sensitivity in the likeable state capital. The exciting cases of the series lead them to bizarre crime scenes and to different milieus.