Peter Kočan

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Le Chemin de la Liberté
Slovaquie, à la veille du début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. La famille du jeune juif Martin Friedmann se réunit pour célébrer sa bar-mitsva et faire la promesse solennelle de se retrouver un an plus tard autour de la même table ; mais les tempêtes de la guerre et du fanatisme antisémite vont conduire chacun d'entre eux sur des chemins très différents.


Apr 14, 2016
Stanko has been living in Italy for years. He did all right for a time, but lies and broken promises have driven him to living on the margins of society. When he has wasted all his chances, Paolo, a gangster who deals in trafficking of women, asks him to drive a girl from Slovakia to Italy. The young man is absolutely determined to do something properly, but he has no idea how the girl will end up. The journey becomes unexpectedly complicated when Stanko makes friends with the girl... A tragicomic road movie about people who have nothing but dreams and friendship.