Junji Delfino

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Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians

Aug 15, 2018
Née à New York, Rachel Chu n'est jamais allée en Asie. En accompagnant son fiancé Nick Young au mariage de son meilleur ami à Singapour, Rachel est donc enchantée de découvrir le continent de ses ancêtres…même si elle redoute un peu de rencontrer la famille de son fiancé. Il faut dire que Nick a omis quelques détails d'importance. Car il est non seulement l'héritier d'une des familles les plus riches du pays, mais aussi l'un de ses célibataires les plus recherchés. Rachel devient alors la cible de toutes les jeunes femmes de la bonne société singapourienne en mal de maris et, pire encore, de sa future belle-mère. Si l'amour ne s'achète pas, l'argent rend les situations parfois bien complexes…
La Saison du diable

La Saison du diable

May 22, 2018
1979, au plus fort de la loi martiale instaurée par le président Marcos, quelques villageois rebelles tentent de résister…
Walinong Sari

Walinong Sari

Aug 06, 2022
Princess Walinong Sari was the finest warrior of her generation and heir to the Inderapura kingdom, which existed during the reign of Kesultanan Melaka. When she came of age, many suitors sought her hand in marriage, but she vowed to only marry one who could beat her in combat. None of them did of course, and Walinong Sari was content to remain single. Her father, however, worrying for the future of Inderapura accepted a proposal from Melaka's royal Bendahara much to the dismay of his daughter. Unhappy of her fate, she decided to travel to Pura on the mighty river one last time to say goodbye to the land she loved dearly.
Keluarga Baha Don

Keluarga Baha Don

Sep 30, 2021
When his father dies abruptly, Jo Don's culinary career in France is cut short as he has to inherit his father's business. Only then does he find out that his father was a local Godfather and uses his business to cover up for illegal dealings in the food industry.