Katy Behean

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Aug 23, 1987
Grande-Bretagne, Dorset, 1834. George Loveless et ses amis, laboureurs à Tolpuddle, sont de plus en plus exploités par les propriétaires terriens, avec la complicité du clergé. Ils s’organisent pour revendiquer des hausses de salaires, et créent en secret la Société Amicale des Laboureurs. Dénoncés par un propriétaire, six d’entre eux sont condamnés à la déportation en Australie. Devenus très populaires et hérauts d’une classe de plus en plus pauvre, ils deviennent les « martyrs de Tolpuddle ».
The Insurance Man

The Insurance Man

Feb 22, 1986
Franz, a young man, works in a dye factory in Prague. One day he notices a skin-rash, like eczema, growing on his hands. All attempts to treat it with ointment fail, and the rash gradually spreads over his body. After complaining to the management he is laid off work; his relationship with his fiancee is affected. In an attempt to get compensation from his former employers he goes to insurance firm Assicurazion Generali, where he encounters an enigmatic clerk called Kafka.


Nov 07, 1986
Canton 1839: Dirk Struan, vieux pirate, s'est converti à une profession toute aussi dangereuse mais plus lucrative: la contrebande d'opium. Il est Tai-Pan, le chef suprême de la Noble Maison, la plus puissante société commerciale d'Extrême-Orient. Mais la Chine réprime sévèrement le trafic de drogue. Dirk Struan s'établit alors à Hong-Kong où quelques années plus tard arrive son plus puissant ennemi, le capitaine Brock qui s'est jure de lui ravir son titre.
Love's Labour's Lost

Love's Labour's Lost

Jan 05, 1985
When the King of Navarre and three of his cronies swear to spend all their days in study and not to look at any girls, they've forgotten that the daughter of the King of France is coming on a diplomatic visit. And the lady herself and her attendants play merry havoc with their intentions.


Jun 19, 1985
The mysterious death of an enigmatic young man newly arrived in the suburb of Wetherby releases the long-repressed, dark passions of some of its residents.
Shakespeare: The Animated Tales
An animated adaptation of twelve of Shakespeare's best-known plays. The series was produced by S4C for the BBC, but animated by some of the foremost artists of Soyuzmultfilm, the former Soviet Union's main animation studio. Each 26-minute play is directed by a different animator, in a wide variety of styles: cel animation for Macbeth, stop-motion puppets in Twelfth Night, and paint on glass for Hamlet.
Sophia and Constance

Sophia and Constance

May 18, 1988
The contrasting lives of two sisters from the middle of the 19th century to the first decade of the 20th. The locations range from the Potteries town of Bursley to Paris as their stories unfold. An adaptation of the 1908 novel “The Old Wives' Tale” by Arnold Bennett.