Fontaine Khaled is the wife of a wealthy but boring businessman. She spends his money on her nightclub, The Hobo, and partying. She hires a manager, Tony, to run her club, but it is understood that his job security is dependent on him satisfying her nymphomaniac demands.
Written and narrated by Jamal Ali, this impressionistic, innovative drama shows how Britain – ‘The Promised Land’ – offered only frustration and rejection to Caribbean settlers in the 1950s.
L'acteur Ian Ogilvy reprend le rôle de Simon Templar tenu naguère par Roger Moore dans ses nouvelles aventures du Saint, un véritable justicier des temps modernes.
Psychologue aux moeurs douteuses, Eddie "Fitz" Fitzgerald s'adonne à la boisson, au jeu ou encore à l'adultère. La police de Manchester peut cependant compter sur ce fin limier pour l'aider à résoudre des enquêtes crimes.