Flint Eagle

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Race Against Time

Race Against Time

Jul 23, 2000
When a man faces surmounting bills for his dying son's hospital stay, he enters into an agreement to sell his body for organ transplants to pay the bills. However, when he is advised that the doctors want to claim his organs immediately, he goes on the run
TV Movie
La Fille sauvage

La Fille sauvage

Apr 12, 2010
Ned Giles, un journaliste, décide de rejoindre une expédition visant la libération d'un petit garçon, enlevé par des Indiens. Sur le chemin, il trouve une jeune Apache abandonnée dans une prison mexicaine. Le jeune homme va tenter de la sauver, tout en faisant son possible pour retrouver l'enfant kidnappé..
Battlefield Quebec: Wolfe & Montcalm
Documentary about the 1759 Battle of the Plains of Abraham in Quebec, part of the Seven Years War between Britain and France. Both leaders, Wolfe and Montcalm, died in the battle, which decided control over what would become Canada. Includes re-enactments of the battle and the personalities of the two commanders. For two months Montcalm and Quebec City endured English bombardments. However, in what the documentary describes as an exceptionally well planned operation during the night of September 12th, Wolfe got 4500 men and two cannons up L’Anse-au-Foulon cliffs to the Plains of Abraham. Montcalm, who never commanded an army before being posted to New France, chose to leave the city walls and try to fight a linear battle against a better trained army.


Feb 08, 2002
En 2005, Jonathan Cross est la star de l'équipe américaine du jeu le plus violent qu'il soit : le rollerball. Avec Marcus Ridley, son ami d'enfance, et la belle Aurora, il enflamme les foules.Chaque nouvelle partie augmente leur célébrité et la richesse d'Alexi Petrovich, le créateur de ce jeu où tous les coups sont permis. Pour Jonathan et ses amis, l'argent coule également à flots.Pourtant, le jeune homme découvre rapidement que derrière ce divertissement se cache une réalité bien plus inquiétante. Alexi Petrovich, prêt à tout pour garantir le succès du rollerball, n'hésite pas à y inclure de nouveaux rebondissements au détriment des joueurs.


Sep 12, 2013
Avant l'arrivée des Blancs en Amérique, les Innus vivent au sud et les Inuits vivent au nord. Un jour, alors que les querelles internes ont divisé son clan, Maïna, une Innue, se lance à la poursuite d'Inuits qui ont kidnappé Nipki, un jeune garçon du village. Capturée à son tour, elle est emmenée dans le territoire des Inuits, un monde de neige et de froid. Au cours du voyage, elle tombe amoureuse de son ravisseur, Natak. Alors que les saisons passent, Maïna tente de s'intégrer, mais comme elle connaît mal les coutumes locales, des frictions avec son compagnon et les autres villageois se développent.
The Witness

The Witness

Jul 31, 1998
The tragedy of the Pequot War through the eyes of Wampishe, a Pequot elder who survived the burning of the Mystic fort as a young boy.
Le Dernier templier

Le Dernier templier

Sep 26, 1998
En cette fin de millénaire, la clef de la porte des Enfers ressurgit au cours d'une fouille archéologique. Lucas, ex-agent secret, s'associe alors à Karen, brillante archéologue, pour empêcher les créatures du démon de libérer Satan...
Byron Chief-Moon: Grey Horse Rider
Actor, dancer, and choreographer, Chief-Moon is founder of the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association, and member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, member of the Blood Band. Through his art and his life, Chief-Moon's story is one of cultural survival. Themes of his dance creations begin with his people's traditional stories, his attachment to the land and his community, as well as the inner conflict he faces in existing within the Aboriginal culture and the wider community. The documentary also explores his identity as a First Nations two-spirited gay man and a father of three adopted children. His art and his life cross boundaries. Challenging the cultural construct is never easy; but Chief-Moon does.


Jan 30, 2014
Actor, dancer, and choreographer, Chief-Moon is founder of the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association, and member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, member of the Blood Band. Through his art and his life, Chief-Moon's story is one of cultural survival. Themes of his dance creations begin with his people's traditional stories, his attachment to the land and his community, as well as the inner conflict he faces in existing within the Aboriginal culture and the wider community. The documentary also explores his identity as a First Nations two-spirited gay man and a father of three adopted children. His art and his life cross boundaries. Challenging the cultural construct is never easy; but Chief-Moon does.
Science Fiction
Death Warrior

Death Warrior

Nov 27, 2009
Actor, dancer, and choreographer, Chief-Moon is founder of the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association, and member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, member of the Blood Band. Through his art and his life, Chief-Moon's story is one of cultural survival. Themes of his dance creations begin with his people's traditional stories, his attachment to the land and his community, as well as the inner conflict he faces in existing within the Aboriginal culture and the wider community. The documentary also explores his identity as a First Nations two-spirited gay man and a father of three adopted children. His art and his life cross boundaries. Challenging the cultural construct is never easy; but Chief-Moon does.


Oct 13, 2010


Actor, dancer, and choreographer, Chief-Moon is founder of the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association, and member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, member of the Blood Band. Through his art and his life, Chief-Moon's story is one of cultural survival. Themes of his dance creations begin with his people's traditional stories, his attachment to the land and his community, as well as the inner conflict he faces in existing within the Aboriginal culture and the wider community. The documentary also explores his identity as a First Nations two-spirited gay man and a father of three adopted children. His art and his life cross boundaries. Challenging the cultural construct is never easy; but Chief-Moon does.
Les Amants du nouveau monde
Actor, dancer, and choreographer, Chief-Moon is founder of the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association, and member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, member of the Blood Band. Through his art and his life, Chief-Moon's story is one of cultural survival. Themes of his dance creations begin with his people's traditional stories, his attachment to the land and his community, as well as the inner conflict he faces in existing within the Aboriginal culture and the wider community. The documentary also explores his identity as a First Nations two-spirited gay man and a father of three adopted children. His art and his life cross boundaries. Challenging the cultural construct is never easy; but Chief-Moon does.
Hors du temps

Hors du temps

Aug 14, 2009
Actor, dancer, and choreographer, Chief-Moon is founder of the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association, and member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, member of the Blood Band. Through his art and his life, Chief-Moon's story is one of cultural survival. Themes of his dance creations begin with his people's traditional stories, his attachment to the land and his community, as well as the inner conflict he faces in existing within the Aboriginal culture and the wider community. The documentary also explores his identity as a First Nations two-spirited gay man and a father of three adopted children. His art and his life cross boundaries. Challenging the cultural construct is never easy; but Chief-Moon does.
Course à la mort

Course à la mort

Aug 22, 2008
Actor, dancer, and choreographer, Chief-Moon is founder of the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association, and member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, member of the Blood Band. Through his art and his life, Chief-Moon's story is one of cultural survival. Themes of his dance creations begin with his people's traditional stories, his attachment to the land and his community, as well as the inner conflict he faces in existing within the Aboriginal culture and the wider community. The documentary also explores his identity as a First Nations two-spirited gay man and a father of three adopted children. His art and his life cross boundaries. Challenging the cultural construct is never easy; but Chief-Moon does.
Bad Santa 2

Bad Santa 2

Nov 23, 2016
Actor, dancer, and choreographer, Chief-Moon is founder of the Coyote Arts Percussive Performance Association, and member of the Blackfoot Confederacy, member of the Blood Band. Through his art and his life, Chief-Moon's story is one of cultural survival. Themes of his dance creations begin with his people's traditional stories, his attachment to the land and his community, as well as the inner conflict he faces in existing within the Aboriginal culture and the wider community. The documentary also explores his identity as a First Nations two-spirited gay man and a father of three adopted children. His art and his life cross boundaries. Challenging the cultural construct is never easy; but Chief-Moon does.
American Gods

American Gods

Mar 21, 2021
Un homme sortant de prison rencontre un vieil escroc qui l'embauche comme garde du corps, et l'entraîne dans un long périple à travers les Etats-Unis. L'ex-détenu découvrira alors que son "patron" est un ancien dieu nordique en plein combat contre les divinités modernes : Internet, les voitures, la télévision, et tous les nouveaux médias.


Jan 17, 2025
Les aventures de Claire, une infirmière de guerre mariée qui se retrouve accidentellement propulsée en pleine campagne écossaise de 1743. Elle se retrouve alors mêlée à des histoires de propriétés et d'espionnage qui la poussent à prendre la fuite et menacent sa vie. Elle est alors forcée d'épouser Jamie, un jeune guerrier écossais passionné qui s'enflamme pour elle et la conduit à être déchirée entre fidélité et désir, étant partagée entre deux hommes dramatiquement opposés et deux vies irréconciliables.
V Wars

V Wars

Dec 05, 2019
Le Dr. Luther Swann voit sa vie basculer dans l'horreur le jour où son meilleur ami, Michael Fayne, se transforme en dangereux prédateur qui se nourrit de sang humain. Peu à peu, cette mystérieuse maladie se propage, divisant la société en deux camps : les gens « normaux » et les vampires. Swann entame une course contre la montre pour comprendre ce qu'il se passe et trouver un antidote, tandis que Fayne devient le leader des vampires.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Indian Summer: The Oka Crisis
Fictionalized portrayal of the conflict and standoff in Kanehsatake during the summer of 1990. This major conflict between a Mohawk community and municipal, Quebec and Canadian governments was over the expansion of a golf course into an aboriginal cemetery. Based on the book by John Ciaccia (Quebec Liberal cabinet minister and negotiator) : The Oka Crisis, A Mirror of the Soul
Les Enquêtes de Murdoch
Toronto 1892. William Murdoch est un jeune et brillant inspecteur qui résout des enquêtes criminelles à l'aide de techniques scientifiques d'avant garde, de l'analyse des empreintes au premier détecteur de mensonges. Son approche originale suscite les moqueries de ses collègues policiers et le scepticisme de son supérieur, mais William Murdoch est souvent le seul à trouver la piste du criminel. Sa meilleure alliée est Julia Ogden, ravissante médecin pathologiste, à l'esprit vif, qui n'a de cesse de se battre contre les préjugés de la société.
Les Enquêtes de Murdoch
Depuis trop longtemps, Bo est une succube qui s'ignore, aspirant l'énergie sexuelle de ses proies pour restaurer ses propres forces. Quand elle découvre sa vraie nature et l'existence d'une communauté secrète dont elle est issue, la jeune femme préfère garder son indépendance, refusant de se plier aux règles de ce monde composé de deux clans rivaux. Alors qu'elle apprend encore à maîtriser ses instincts meurtriers, Bo peut compter sur son amie Kenzi pour l'aider à s'adapter au mode de vie des humains. Ensemble, elles tentent de voler au secours de la veuve et de l'orphelin. Bo ne perd pas pour autant de vue son objectif : découvrir le secret de ses origines.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Les Enquêtes de Murdoch
Lorsqu'un Boeing 777 atterrit à l'aéroport new yorkais JFK sans qu'aucun signe de vie n'en émane, Eph Goodweather, un scientifique spécialisé dans les épidémies et les attaques biologiques, est dépêché sur les lieux. A l'intérieur de l'avion, il découvre que tous les passagers sont morts, probablement tués par un étrange virus ou... un monstre non identifié. L'homme fait alors équipe avec un ancien professeur, survivant de l'Holocauste, Abraham Setrakian. Ensemble, ils constituent un petit groupe qui devient rapidement le dernier espoir pour la survie de la race humaine. Des vampires transforment en effet petit à petit la civilisation en un gigantesque buffet. Le sang coule à flots et rien ne semble pouvoir les arrêter...
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Les Enquêtes de Murdoch
Des individus avec des capacités neurologiques hors du commun, les Alphas, sont recrutés par une section secrète du gouvernement, le DCIS (« Defense Crime Investigative Service », soit littéralement « Service d'Enquêtes Criminelles de la Défense ») afin d'œuvrer pour le bien-être de la société et arrêter les Alphas mal intentionnés… Leur principal ennemi est le groupe terroriste « Red Flag », (« Drapeau rouge » en version Francophone) qui milite pour la reconnaissance et l'indépendance des Alphas. Il utilise le meurtre et les assassinats pour arriver à ses fins.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Les Enquêtes de Murdoch
Dans une petite ville du Michigan qui subsiste grâce à la prison locale et la vie policière comme criminelle qui règne autour du centre pénitencier. C'est l'histoire de la famille McClusky...