Антон Багров

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Jan 26, 2017
Victime d'un incident, un vaisseau spatial extraterrestre est pris en chasse par des avions russes, qui parviennent finalement à l'abattre. Le vaisseau s'écrase dans la banlieue de Moscou et les survivants, bien que pacifiques, sont traqués et parqués par l'armée moscovite. Une écolière parvient à sauver et à cacher l'un des extraterrestres. Et bientôt, toute la population commence à émettre des doutes sur les motivations des aliens et la nécessité de les enfermer.
The One

The One

Jun 09, 2022
En août 1981, Larisa et Vladimir Savitsky, jeunes mariés, embarquent pour un vol entre Komsomolsk-sur-l'Amour et Blagovechtchensk, en Union soviétique. À seulement trente minutes de l'atterrissage, leur avion entre en collision avec un bombardier soviétique, et se désintègre. Contre toute attente, Larisa survit. Seule au milieu des débris, elle se retrouve perdue dans l'immensité sauvage de la taïga.


Mar 02, 2012
"O. R.U.ZH.I. E "is the abbreviation of the names of friends: O - Oleg, a military pensioner, R - Roman, a scientist, an employee of a research institute, U - Ulyana, a television correspondent, Zh - Zhenya, a physicist, doctor of sciences, I - Igor, entrepreneur, former reporter, husband of Ulyana, E - Egor, laboratory assistant at the provincial research center. Oleg and Roman experience the latest weapons - a rifle with exceptional range and destructive power. The tests are successful, and Oleg is trying to interest the military with these weapons.
День города

День города

Jan 21, 2021
The crazy comedy "City Day" tells about one day in the life of the inhabitants of the provincial Lyubyakino. Celebrating the City Day, people did not notice that the president himself had planned the working trip through the town. Sudden news plunges everyone into shock and creates chaos: the mayor, the district police officer, the priest and other heroes from this place, lost in the outback, forgotten by God and progress, must, in the shortest possible time, bring the city, actively celebrating, as the last time, into a decent look, in a hurry to mask the problems from the view from the guarded cortege and to depict that this is a place of high culture of everyday life.


Jul 05, 2016
The series tells about the life of the business center "Nightingale", in which the private security company "Kedr" works. Lev Borisovich, the head of the PSC, is, as he himself believes, not only a guardian of material, but also moral and ethical values. In his subordination are four guards - Fedya, Tolya, Slava and newcomer Andrey. Andrey dreams of becoming a rock star, so he does not value the work of a security guard, but on the very first working day he meets Snezhana, a spa worker, and slowly gets drawn into the workplace of the business center. It is not an action movie with Jason Statham, it's just a story about a couple of days from the humble life of the guards of the Nightingale business center.