Usain Bolt

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Usain Bolt, la légende
L'histoire du sprinter, depuis ses origines en Jamaïque, son ascension, ses entraînements... jusque sa consécration aux JO de Pékin en 2008 mais aussi son faux départ aux championnats du monde 2011 et sa préparation pour les JO de Londres...
The Fastest Man Who Has Ever Lived
Usain Bolt is the fastest man on the planet and a sportsman like no other. But what makes him so much faster than any other man in the history of the human race? Who better to investigate than athletics legend Michael Johnson, the man Bolt has dethroned as the world's fastest human ever.
Beijing 2008: Games of the XXIX Olympiad
Here's a Special Edition DVD that captures the most dramatic and exciting moments from the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Officially known as the Games of the XXIX Olympiad, the competition was held in Beijing, People's Republic of China from August 8 to August 24, 2008. Ten thousand five hundred athletes competed in 302 events in 28 sports. The 2008 Summer Olympics did bring athletes from around the world together as they competed for the bronze, silver and gold medals. More importantly, television coverage united citizens from all nations, who rooted for their own countrymen as well as the world's best athletes. These games were the first to be produced and broadcast entirely in high definition, and did garner upwards of four billion viewers. This exclusive highlights DVD features the greatest athletes in the world, united in the most important competition of their lifetimes.
La Fabrique de champions : Gagner grâce au high-tech
Every year, top athletes set new world records. But are today’s record holders really better than those of the past? Or do modern athletes get their edge from their high tech gear? Top sports scientist Steve Haake sets off on a journey to investigate. He travels to Canada, the USA, and Germany to meet five champions. Each athlete demonstrates how their modern training and equipment enhances their performance, and then Steve challenges them to compete against a legendary athlete using old-school vintage gear. Each experimental matchup has a surprising result.
TV Movie
Je suis Bolt

Je suis Bolt

Nov 28, 2016
Documentaire sur le charismatique et mondialement adoré sprinter Usain Bolt, officiellement l'homme le plus rapide du monde. Avec des images d'archives inédites de sa jeunesse en Jamaïque, jusqu'aux images originales qui seront capturées lors de ses quatrièmes et derniers Jeux Olympiques à Rio, où il concourra pour l'or dans les courses des 100 et 200 mètres, lors de sa troisième participation consécutive aux Jeux avant sa retraite en 2017. Je suis Bolt révèle l'homme et définit l'héritage de cet incroyable athlète.


Apr 24, 2019
Sprinter tells the story of Akeem Sharp who is set to be Jamaica's next big track-and-field sensation. Akeem hopes to rise in the track and field world will take him to the U.S. to reunite him with his mother who has supported the family while living as an illegal resident for over a decade. But Akeem's rising star is weighed down by turmoil at home: a volatile father, and an unruly older brother who insinuates himself into Akeem's career as a means of escaping - or perhaps enhancing - his scam artist hustle. Not only does Akeem have to prove to himself and everyone that he can succeed, but also overcome the struggles that may ultimately bring him down.


Nov 23, 2012
The Official Film of the XXXth Olympic Games to be held in London, following the stories of twelve first-time Olympians from around the world.
The One Show

The One Show

May 24, 2024
A topical magazine-style daily television programme broadcast live on BBC One.
LIVE with Kelly and Mark
A morning talk show with A-list celebrity guests, top-notch performances and one-of-a-kind segments that are unrivaled on daytime television, plus spontaneous, hilarious and unpredictable talk.
Saturday Night Live

Saturday Night Live

Feb 16, 2025
Saturday Night Live est une émission de divertissement retransmise en direct depuis le Studio 8H du GE Building au Rockefeller Center de New York. Diffusé le samedi soir sur la chaîne NBC, le programme se compose de sketches, de parodies et de performances musicales. Il s'agit de l'un des programmes phares de la télévision américaine, qui a permis l'émergence de nombreuses stars de la comédie lors des trente dernières années.
Rob & Romesh Vs

Rob & Romesh Vs

Dec 31, 2024
After the success of their 2017 show with heavyweight boxing champion Anthony Joshua, funny men Rob Beckett and Romesh Ranganathan are back to interview more celebrities from the worlds of sport, entertainment, fashion, and more.
The Graham Norton Show
Each week celebrity guests join Irish comedian Graham Norton to discuss what's being going on around the world that week. The guests poke fun and share their opinions on the main news stories. Graham is often joined by a band or artist to play the show out.
Secrets de champions

Secrets de champions

May 13, 2022
Greatness Code, une série de documentaires qui partage des anecdotes inédites sur les plus grands sportifs du monde. La première saison, composée de sept épisodes, reviendra sur des moments cruciaux de la carrière d'athlètes.
Only See Great

Only See Great

Sep 27, 2020
Ils s'appellent Florent Manaudou, Floria Gueï, Laeticia Guapo, Allan Saint-Maximin. Quatre sportifs français avec le même rêve : être à Tokyo au Japon le 24 juillet 2020 pour représenter la France à la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux Olympiques.
Desus & Mero

Desus & Mero

Jun 23, 2022
The first ever weekly late-night talk show on Showtime features popular TV and podcast personalities Desus and Mero speaking off the cuff and chatting with guests at the intersection of pop culture, sports, music, politics and more.
Top Gear

Top Gear

Dec 18, 2022
Une émission consacrée aux voitures et au sport automobile pas comme les autres, où les animateurs testent des voitures à travers des cascades et de nombreux défis. Des essais qui ne se déroulent pas toujours comme prévu.