Félix, a genius teenager, decides to look for the renowned scientist Einstein, brought back by the company Empirion. He is the person needed to finalize his invention and stamp the definitive passport to the world of science.
Quatre losers ayant une expertise dans les événements surnaturels sur YouTube, essaient d’obtenir la reconnaissance du public tout en cherchant le scoop qui fera décoller leurs affaires. Bingo, Ils viennent d’être contactés par une école qui souhaite se débarrasser d’un prétendu fantôme. Mauvaise pioche, le fantôme est particulièrement coriace, violent et vicelard. Attention, ça va saigner grave!
Three friends who live in Resende, in the interior of Rio de Janeiro, and plan a trip in Babette's Beetle convertible to celebrate their 15 years of friendship and attend the closing show of the tour of a great pop star, who studied with them as a teenager. and today he is the most famous young singer in Brazil.
After her father's death, Pollyanna is sent to live with her rich and authoritative aunt, Pollyanna now has to adapt to a new life by playing the glad game and venturing into new experiences