André Charpak

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En bordée

En bordée

Sep 10, 1958
The two merrymakers Cartahu and Bailladrisse sail together on a cargo ship. When customs officers come aboard to conduct a search, Cartahu is unaware of a drug dealer's accomplice, who hides the box of narcotics in Cartahu's bag, which has already been visited. Unsuspecting, the two comrades go ashore, taking the precious box with them. At the hotel, by mistake, their luggage is given to another person. To recover the merchandise, the traffickers pursue the two friends, who nevertheless manage to have the whole gang arrested; and, after being tempted by pretty women to live with them, prefer to set sail for new adventures.
Le Navire étoile

Le Navire étoile

Dec 11, 1962
À la suite d’une catastrophe nucléaire, les hommes ont quitté la Terre et vivent à bord du Navire étoile, aéronef lancé dans l'espace depuis trois siècles. Dans cet univers où le gaspillage est considéré comme le crime majeur et où les bouches inutiles sont automatiquement éliminées, les hommes mènent une existence réglée par les lois impitoyables de la machine électronique "Psycho".
Science Fiction
Le crime de David Levinstein
David Levinstein, a young Jewish boy whose parents have been arrested and killed by the Nazis, is taken in by Monsieur Ray, the head of his school. Unfortunately for him, Donnadieu, a pro-Nazi schoolmaster, denounces him to the Gestapo and he is sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. After being released in 1945, David attempts to live normally. He even marries Jacky, the woman he has fallen in love with. But fifteen years pass and the taste of revenge invades him and becomes irresistible. He eventually traces the teacher who gave him way.
La Dame de pique

La Dame de pique

Dec 29, 1965
Anna Fedorovna, comtesse russe et femme d'ambassadeur à Paris, a la manie de jouer... et de perdre. Un jour, un inconnu lui donne une martingale infaillible, mais dont elle n'aura le droit de se servir qu'une fois. Elle joue, gagne et renonce au jeu. Mais on est en pleine Révolution française, et la comtesse doit fuir Paris. Pour amadouer les gardes aux portes, elle donne la martingale à son mari qui joue avec les soldats et, contre son gain, achète leur liberté. Mais il est aussitôt assassiné.
La Provocation

La Provocation

Feb 11, 1970
Christian Lambert, archéologue, arrive en Israël avec sa femme Jeanne et un groupe d'étudiants, à l'invitation de leur ami André, directeur d'un chantier de fouille. Parmi les étudiants, Isabelle semble amoureuse de Christian. Jeanne a du mal à accepter cette situation, mais un jour l'attitude provocante d'Isabelle va tout remettre en question.
Le crime de David Levinstein
David Levinstein, a young Jewish boy whose parents have been arrested and killed by the Nazis, is taken in by Monsieur Ray, the head of his school. Unfortunately for him, Donnadieu, a pro-Nazi schoolmaster, denounces him to the Gestapo and he is sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. After being released in 1945, David attempts to live normally. He even marries Jacky, the woman he has fallen in love with. But fifteen years pass and the taste of revenge invades him and becomes irresistible. He eventually traces the teacher who gave him way.
La Provocation

La Provocation

Feb 11, 1970
David Levinstein, a young Jewish boy whose parents have been arrested and killed by the Nazis, is taken in by Monsieur Ray, the head of his school. Unfortunately for him, Donnadieu, a pro-Nazi schoolmaster, denounces him to the Gestapo and he is sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. After being released in 1945, David attempts to live normally. He even marries Jacky, the woman he has fallen in love with. But fifteen years pass and the taste of revenge invades him and becomes irresistible. He eventually traces the teacher who gave him way.
La vie normale

La vie normale

Jun 30, 1966
The dramatic affair between Dr. Jean-Pierre Cazot and a young French woman, Laurence, a survivor of a death camp, who is expecting an unwanted child.
La Provocation

La Provocation

Feb 11, 1970
The dramatic affair between Dr. Jean-Pierre Cazot and a young French woman, Laurence, a survivor of a death camp, who is expecting an unwanted child.
Le crime de David Levinstein
David Levinstein, a young Jewish boy whose parents have been arrested and killed by the Nazis, is taken in by Monsieur Ray, the head of his school. Unfortunately for him, Donnadieu, a pro-Nazi schoolmaster, denounces him to the Gestapo and he is sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. After being released in 1945, David attempts to live normally. He even marries Jacky, the woman he has fallen in love with. But fifteen years pass and the taste of revenge invades him and becomes irresistible. He eventually traces the teacher who gave him way.