Lewis Teague

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La Course à la mort de l’an 2000
Dans une Amérique dictatoriale et décadente, soumise au culte de la violence, une grande course automobile organisée chaque année sert de nouveaux jeux du cirque pour une population abreuvée de discours présidentiels lénifiants. En cette année 2000, la cinquième édition de la « Transcontinental Road Race » oppose une nouvelle fois Frankenstein, héros national et créature du régime, à de redoutables pilotes, dont son principal opposant Machine Gun Joe Viterbo. La course n’obéit à quasiment aucune règle, sinon celle de s’entre‐tuer en marquant le plus de points possibles, dont le comptage dépend du nombre et du type de passants écrasés. Pendant ce temps, une résistance s’affaire à saboter la course afin de mettre un terme au régime politique en place.
Hollywood Boulevard

Hollywood Boulevard

Apr 25, 1976
A Midwestern ingenue arrives in Hollywood to try her luck as an actress. An incompetent agent hooks her up with a production company which specializes in low budget B-movie fair, which starts being plagued by strange, deadly accidents.
American Grindhouse

American Grindhouse

Feb 04, 2011
This documentary explores the hidden history of the American Exploitation Film. The movie digs deep into this often overlooked category of U.S. cinema and unearths the shameless and occasionally shocking origins of this popular entertainment.
King on Screen

King on Screen

Aug 11, 2023
Une plongée intimiste dans l’univers de Stephen King auprès des réalisateurs qui ont adapté ses livres à l’écran, pour comprendre comment tant de ces films ont eu un impact si crucial dans l’histoire du cinéma, élaborant notamment sur son conflit avec Stanley Kubrick, l’influence de sa femme Tabitha sur son travail ou encore la place qu’il a acquise dans la pop culture actuelle.


Aug 10, 1983
Shannon's Deal

Shannon's Deal

Jun 04, 1989
A washed-up lawyer refuses to take a bribe and instead goes after the South American drug cartel that's trying to push those in its way. Pilot for the TV Series.
Alerte rouge

Alerte rouge

Feb 26, 1995
A washed-up lawyer refuses to take a bribe and instead goes after the South American drug cartel that's trying to push those in its way. Pilot for the TV Series.
Du rouge pour un truand
A washed-up lawyer refuses to take a bribe and instead goes after the South American drug cartel that's trying to push those in its way. Pilot for the TV Series.
Triangle Maudit

Triangle Maudit

Aug 13, 2001
A washed-up lawyer refuses to take a bribe and instead goes after the South American drug cartel that's trying to push those in its way. Pilot for the TV Series.
Dirty O'Neil

Dirty O'Neil

May 01, 1974
A police officer has very little work as there is virtually no crime in his small California town...until three hoodlums appear and rape a young woman.
Philadelphia Security

Philadelphia Security

May 21, 1982
A police officer has very little work as there is virtually no crime in his small California town...until three hoodlums appear and rape a young woman.
Crazy Mama

Crazy Mama

Jun 01, 1975
A police officer has very little work as there is virtually no crime in his small California town...until three hoodlums appear and rape a young woman.
Collision Course

Collision Course

Apr 27, 1989
A police officer has very little work as there is virtually no crime in his small California town...until three hoodlums appear and rape a young woman.
Saved By The Light

Saved By The Light

Dec 12, 1995
A mean, loud-mouthed town bully is talking on the phone one night during a lightning storm when, in a freak occurrence, a bolt of lightning strikes a telephone pole, travels down the phone wires and hits him. He is declared clinically dead, but miraculously recovers shortly thereafter--with a completely new personality and, he claims, the ability to communicate with the dead.
Shérif Réunion

Shérif Réunion

Apr 25, 1997
A mean, loud-mouthed town bully is talking on the phone one night during a lightning storm when, in a freak occurrence, a bolt of lightning strikes a telephone pole, travels down the phone wires and hits him. He is declared clinically dead, but miraculously recovers shortly thereafter--with a completely new personality and, he claims, the ability to communicate with the dead.
TV Movie


Aug 01, 1974
A mean, loud-mouthed town bully is talking on the phone one night during a lightning storm when, in a freak occurrence, a bolt of lightning strikes a telephone pole, travels down the phone wires and hits him. He is declared clinically dead, but miraculously recovers shortly thereafter--with a completely new personality and, he claims, the ability to communicate with the dead.
Summer Run

Summer Run

Aug 05, 1974
A young American who is not ready for adulthood spends a final summer of freedom backpacking across Europe. He falls in love and, as the summer ends, he must decide whether to stay or return to a far less alluring future.


Mar 26, 1970
A World War I deserter competes in the first long-distance motorcycle race.
It's About This Carpenter
"It's about This Carpenter starts out with a bearded fellow carrying a huge cross across town. He goes into the subway, through crowded streets, and passes little colored girl who asks "Are you Jesus?" Finally he installs the cross on the wall behind the chancel of a church. All the whilst he is ignored, even by the lone organist. Finally, on his return trip after his mission has been accomplished, he again passes the little colored girl and she says, "Good-bye Jesus"
Un cocktail explosif

Un cocktail explosif

Aug 12, 1977
"It's about This Carpenter starts out with a bearded fellow carrying a huge cross across town. He goes into the subway, through crowded streets, and passes little colored girl who asks "Are you Jesus?" Finally he installs the cross on the wall behind the chancel of a church. All the whilst he is ignored, even by the lone organist. Finally, on his return trip after his mission has been accomplished, he again passes the little colored girl and she says, "Good-bye Jesus"
Du rouge pour un truand
"It's about This Carpenter starts out with a bearded fellow carrying a huge cross across town. He goes into the subway, through crowded streets, and passes little colored girl who asks "Are you Jesus?" Finally he installs the cross on the wall behind the chancel of a church. All the whilst he is ignored, even by the lone organist. Finally, on his return trip after his mission has been accomplished, he again passes the little colored girl and she says, "Good-bye Jesus"
Love and Treason

Love and Treason

Mar 07, 2001
Kate is a Naval officer whose married to a Marine. When she learns her husband is committing treason she turns him in. He's sent to prison and she divorces him and would have to deal with the stigma of being married to a traitor. A few years later, her husband escapes from prison and the consensus is that he's going after her. And he approaches her but doesn't do anything to her. She thinks he's up to something and tries to find out what it is.
Bongo Wolf’s Revenge
An oddball picture about legendary kooky and colorful Los Angeles fringe eccentric cult figure Bongo Wolf. Through the course of the film, Bongo visits his friends in Hollywood, gives a lecture on vampires and prehistoric man, visits the Count Dracula society, plays his bongo drums...

May 04, 2001

Nash Bridges est un inspecteur vivant à San Francisco avec sa fille Cassidy et son père Nick. Il fait partie de la brigade spéciale d'intervention. Il a pour partenaire son meilleur ami, Joe Dominguez. Dans l'équipe on trouve aussi Evan Cortez, fils spirituel de Nash ainsi que Harvey Leek, ancien hippie devenu un as de l'informatique.
Action & Adventure

Dec 22, 1979

Thomas Remington Sloane III est un agent spécial de L'U.N.I.T. (organisation gouvernementale dissimulée dans un magasin de jouets) qui, allié à un ordinateur, combat l'organisation criminelle K.A.R.T.E.L.. Il est accompagné dans ses missions par Torque, un agent afro-américain doté d'une main mécanique armée de gadgets.
Action & Adventure

Dec 03, 1994

Time Trax is an American/Australian co-produced science fiction television series that first aired in 1993. A police officer, sent through time into the past, has to track down and return convicted criminals who have escaped prison in the future. This was the last new production from Lorimar Television.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Jul 01, 2000

Profiler au FBI, Samantha Waters est capable de visualiser un crime à travers les yeux du tueur et de sa victime, à partir de ce qu'elle relève sur la scène du meurtre. Grâce à ce don, elle traque l'assassin de son mari.

Apr 11, 1981

Riker is an American crime drama television series that aired from March 14 until April 11, 1981.

May 10, 1965

Suite d' "Alfred Hitchcock présente", cette série est une anthologie de petites histoires noires.