Marcy Walker

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Détournement du bus CX-17
La conductrice d'un bus de ramassage scolaire doit faire face à une prise d'otages. Elle tente de rester calme et de prévenir discrètement la police. Frank et Marta Caldwell, mariés depuis cinq ans, ne peuvent pas avoir d'enfants, ce qu'ils regrettent tous deux amèrement. Conductrice d'un bus de ramassage scolaire, Marta travaille au contact de petits écoliers, âgés de six à huit ans. Cathy, Benito, Roberto, Ricky, Josephina, Fernando, Célina et Jimmy ne sont pas tout à fait comme les autres enfants. Ils souffrent de troubles émotionnels et suivent leur scolarité dans un établissement spécialisé. Un matin, alors que Marta conduit le petit groupe avec l'aide de Glenda, une surveillante, un certain Harry Kee pénètre dans le bus et prend les passagers en otages, menaçant de tout faire sauter...
Talking About Sex

Talking About Sex

Jan 01, 1994
Andie Norman (Kim Wayans) is a young publisher who gets a chance to remake a dry-text on "assertive communication skills" into a best selling book to be titled 'Talking About Sex'. Andie's boyfriend, Doug Penn (Daniel Beer), is a good guy whose sex life with Andie begins tapering off as he finds watching sports on TV more interesting. Andie assembles her female friends to videotape a rough cut of a discussion program for a TV documentary for her book as a promotional item. All of Andie's and Doug's friends later get together for an all-night cocktail party at their house to celebrate the upcoming release of the book where Andie, Doug and their friends end up revealing intimacies to each other over too many drinks which include past bed-hopping and infidelity with puts a test on all relationships in both hilarious and heartfelt ways which leads to Andie and Doug to decide if they can have a future together.
Bar Girls

Bar Girls

Jul 15, 1990
Failed series pilot about a pair of mismatched law partners who struggle to stay ahead of their creditors.
Terror in the Shadows

Terror in the Shadows

Oct 16, 1995
Five years ago, Christine went after the baby she gave up for adoption, claiming he'd been stolen, and wound up killing Alex Williams' wife and the baby the Williams' had adopted. Now, Alex has remarried to a woman with a young son and when Christine escapes from a mental institution, she heads straight for Alex, looking for revenge.
The Return of Desperado
Duell McCall is in New Mexico running afoul of local land baron. McCall pauses long enough in his escape flight to come to the aid of black homesteader who is being victimized by the diabolical Foxworth.
Hot Resort

Hot Resort

Jan 01, 1985
Young guys on the make get a job at a resort hotel in the Caribbean.


Oct 11, 1992
Convinced that her husband Norm is being unfaithful, Ann Demski has an affair with family friend Nick. When she realizes that Nick contrived the evidence of Norm's unfaithfulness in order to seduce her, she breaks off the affair. Nick then launches an unrelenting campaign to destroy Ann's life.
Perry Mason : Nostalgie meurtrière
David Berman, capitaine des marines, travaille à Paris, à l'ambassade américaine. Il cherche à retrouver la trace d'un ancien SS responsable de la mort des membres de sa famille. Un mystérieux correspondant le met en contact avec l'ancien nazi, qui est assassiné en sa présence. Accusé de meurtre, le jeune homme est traduit en cour martiale.
Midnight's Child

Midnight's Child

Apr 21, 1992
Spooky tale of a lawyer who sees Satan in the Swiss au pair she and her artist husband have hired for their young daughter.


Sep 17, 1990
The physical and emotional trauma of three close-knit women trying to have children is explored.
Life on the Mississippi
Most mid-19th-century Mississippi River boys dreamed of occupying that pinnacle of power and glamour, the pilot house of a riverboat. In a riot of local color, this film tells how, unlike many, Sam's dream comes true. A callow teenager, he talks the tough but consummate Horace Bixby into making him his apprentice on the "Paul Jones," eventually following him to the much finer "Aleck Scott." Meanwhile, he is already spinning fantastic yarns to everyone from awe-struck lads ashore, to fellow "cub pilots", to young lady passengers who catch his eye. Things temporarily take a turn for the worse when Bixby must attend a meeting and leave Sam to work under Brown, a dour tyrant with a grudge against him.
Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara

Jan 15, 1993
Dans le paradis californien de Santa Barbara, le long des plages du Pacifique, s'entredéchirent quatre familles : les Capwell, riches aristocrates, les Lockridge, autour d'une "matriarche" excentrique les Andrade, Mexicains bourrés d'ambitions et les Perkins, dont la quiétude est brisée par l'un d'eux, accusé de meurtre...
Palace Guard

Palace Guard

Nov 08, 1991
Palace Guard is the story of a reformed jewel thief and cat burglar, Tommy Logan, who, after serving three years in prison, is released on parole and accepts an offer to become the head of security for the posh Palace Hotel chain. There were two reasons for this somewhat unusual job offer. One was that Logan had previously enjoyed great success in stealing from the high-class clientele of the Palace chain, and hence it was thought that he'd understand how to prevent others from doing so. And the other was that Tommy was the illegitimate son of the chain's owner, Arturo Taft, though Taft did not reveal this to Logan. The show centered primarily around the working relationship between Logan and his new boss, Christy Cooper, the hotel chain's Vice-President of Public Relations. In each episode, Logan and Cooper travelled to a hotel in a different city where Logan would help avert some disaster using quirky and questionable methods, leaving Cooper to sweep up the fallout.
Great Performances

Great Performances

Jan 01, 2025
The best in the performing arts from across America and around the world including a diverse programming portfolio of classical music, opera, popular song, musical theater, dance, drama, and performance documentaries.
Sacrée soirée

Sacrée soirée

Dec 16, 2009
Sacrée Soirée est une émission de variétés diffusée sur TF1 du 2 septembre 1987 au 29 juin 1994, puis du 19 décembre 2007 au 16 décembre 2009 soit au total 264 numéros, pour 7 saisons. Chaque mercredi soir, l'émission présentée, par Jean-Pierre Foucault, accueillait trois invités principaux issus du monde du théâtre, du cinéma, de la littérature ou de la chanson auxquels la production réservait une surprise souvent avec la complicité d'un membre de l'entourage de l'invité.