Patricia goes to Wyatt’s house for dinner. They eat soggy spaghetti and she gets too drunk. She asks him for a personal favor, he deals her a personal blow. Her dad comes over later in the night.
Finn is nominated for an Emmy. But when his car service goes to the wrong address and he ends up in a ride-share, Finn becomes embroiled in his driver's personal life and risks missing the show.
It's 1987, Kyle has cold feet before his wedding and he's about to stand up to his sister for the first time in his life.
Aug 01, 2021
2021 min69 vues
19 octobre 1987 - le lundi noir. Le pire krash boursier de l'histoire de Wall Street. Jusqu'à ce jour, personne ne sait ce qui l'a causé... Découvrez-le maintenant.