Olga Sarzyńska

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Jan 01, 1970
Baska runs a catering company from home. In addition, she takes care of three children and takes care of her husband, Kacper, who constantly works overtime in the office. Somewhere she lost her spark and zest for life. When she meets the handsome and famous choreographer Jim at work, her life turns upside down. Jim helps Baska gain new clients and her business flourishes. Baska is also blooming. However, her home life suffers. In addition, Kacper begins to suspect Baska of having an affair and demands a divorce. Baska must decide whether she wants to start her life anew or return to what she has built over the years.


Sep 10, 2021
Is a party after a canceled wedding a recipe for disaster? It is. And what a disaster it is! Two families differ in everything - origin, status, wallet content, taste. The parents of the groom and bride are initially shocked. What did such a thing happen? Who was at fault? What about the wedding party? Should they welcome the guests? Play music? Pour the vodka? Who will cut the cake? From word to word, polite smiles turn into public washing of dirt. And finally a real bomb goes off... And in the meantime, the wedding party turns into a wild party. And no one is bothered by the absence of the newlyweds.
Opération Prophète

Opération Prophète

Nov 11, 2022
1956. Après trois ans d'emprisonnement aux mains du régime communiste pendant la guerre froide, le cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, primat de Pologne, est rétabli à la tête de l'Eglise catholique à Varsovie. Chef spirituel et visionnaire, il dialogue sans relâche avec les autorités communistes pour négocier plus de droits pour l'Eglise et la nation opprimée.
Handlarz cudów

Handlarz cudów

Apr 30, 2010
A recovering alcoholic on a pilgrimage meets two young refugees who are trying to find their father. Their struggles during the trip from Poland to France will forever change their lives.
Love is Everything

Love is Everything

Nov 23, 2018
La période de fièvre pré-Noël de décembre commencera avec l’arrivée d’un Père Noël inhabituel dans la ville. Cela déclenchera une avalanche d’événements exceptionnels. Une liaison avec le footballeur polonais le plus populaire rencontrera une femme que personne ne qualifierait de fan de football. Les trahisons et les secrets susciteront de nombreux mariages, et un mariage raffiné dans les moindres détails aura une finale surprenante.
L'Affaire W

L'Affaire W

Jun 18, 2021
En enquêtant sur le meurtre d'une inconnue, une mère au foyer lectrice compulsive de polars découvre les secrets les plus intimes des habitants de sa petite ville.