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Telê Santana: Meio Século de Futebol Arte
With testimonies from family, friends, partners and players who have been throughout Telê's career, the film narrates the master's trajectory during the 50 years he worked, bringing a strong and controversial character on and off the field. From his time as a player, through the 82nd and 86th World Cups, until reaching the glories of the SPFC, where he consecrated himself and created the so-called "Era Telê".
4 Zéros

4 Zéros

Oct 23, 2024
Sylvie Colonna, présidente du club de foot des Haricots d’Arpajon, a refait sa vie avec José Pinto. Ensemble, ils tiennent un restaurant portugais à Pontault-Combault : le Churrasco. Mais les affaires vont mal. Leur fils, Manu, trentenaire un peu paumé, rêve de devenir agent de joueur. Un jour, il tombe sur une pépite : Kidane, un jeune prodige qui met le feu sur les terrains… Mais d’autres agents rodent déjà autour… Les Pinto qui voient en Kidane l’espoir de sortir de la galère décident d’appeler à la rescousse Alain Colonna qui vit une retraite tranquille à Tahiti. Mais le football a changé… Tous ensemble, ils vont devoir affronter DZ, l’agent le plus influent du biz, un homme au bras long et à la mauvaise réputation… Avec comme objectif de permettre à Kidane d’intégrer le club de ses rêves : le PSG.
Le Parc, Prince des stades
Le Parc des Princes fait partie du cercle très fermé des stades devenus mythiques… Loin du calme qui en faisait un parc créé par Louis Philippe et réservé aux récréations princières. Inaugurée en 1897, démolie puis reconstruite à deux reprises, la célèbre enceinte du 16ème arrondissement parisien est plus que centenaire. C’est ici que s’écrivirent quelques-unes des plus belles pages du sport français. François Berléand nous conte cette formidable histoire. En retraçant plus d’un siècle « d’empoignades » porte de Saint-Cloud, nous allons découvrir pourquoi ce stade est rentré dans la légende. Raconter son aventure c’est surtout retracer la mémoire d’un lieu qui a marqué tous les amoureux du sport. Ce film rend compte d’un état d’esprit, d’une atmosphère unique, révèle ce que certains appellent « l’âme du Parc », cet élément impalpable qui a fait rentrer ce stade au panthéon des enceintes sportives.
Sócrates, O Artista

Sócrates, O Artista

Feb 19, 2014
Directed by Martin Ainstein as part of the "Destino Futebol" series, the documentary, produced by ESPN Films, tells the moving story of former player and doctor Sócrates, who passed away on December 4, 2011. The documentary features testimonies from members of the former Corinthians player's family, including his brothers, among them the former player Raí, his mother, and his son Gustavo. Journalists Juca Kfouri, José Trajano, and Xico Sá are also interviewed, as well as musician Toquinho and former Corinthians and Brazilian national team teammates such as Zico and Wladimir. The production showcases Sócrates' time studying medicine in Ribeirão, his journey through the teams Botafogo de Ribeirão Preto, Corinthians, Fiorentina, Flamengo, and, of course, the national team. It's a great story told by people who knew the idol, remembering key moments of Sócrates' career as a doctor, player, musician, and writer.
Onde a Moeda Cai em Pé: A História do São Paulo Futebol Clube
The documentary features rare images of important moments in the trajectory of Tricolor Paulista and testimonials from important players of the club, such as Rogério Ceni, Raí, Careca, Dario Pereryra, Waldir Peres, Serginho Chulapa, Cafu, Pintado, Muricy Ramalho, Zetti, Zé Sérgio. And interviews with illustrious fans, such as the actor Lima Duarte, tennis player Fernando Meligeni and the musician Andreas Kisser.
Fort Boyard

Fort Boyard

Aug 24, 2024
Guidés par Olivier Minne dans les couloirs de Fort Boyard, les invités tentent de remporter le plus de gains pour des associations.
Paraíso Tropical

Paraíso Tropical

Sep 28, 2007
The search for a successor provokes the beginning of a clash between two young and talented executives of his group: Daniel Bastos, a lad of simple origins and excellent character, who is not only handsome and charming, but also intelligent and skilled, and Olavo Novaes, an ambitious and unscrupulous man who is ready to fight for the position, at any cost. To fight against Olavo‘s treacherous plans, Daniel will have the help of the sweet and sensitive Paula, a young lady raised as an only child who founds, on the eve of her mother‘s death, that she is adopted and has a family. What Paula does not know is that she has an identical twin sister, the wicked Taís, who is as ambitious and unscrupulous as the man who becomes her main ally, Olavo Novaes. Antenor, for his part, decides on having an heir when he meets the headstrong and honest Lúcia, a woman who will make this cold businessman find true love is and a real reason to live.