Jordan Rose Frye

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May 13, 2021
What is to be a child to whom parents ask the same question every day: whom does he love more? Mom or dad? What should mom do if she madly loves her son, but circumstances force him to take the child away from his father? What should be done to dad if his son is taken to America forever, and he cannot imagine his life without him? This is a story of choice. When deciding for a child, a parent often does as he is comfortable with. The child agrees, afraid to hurt the parent, but time will pass, he will mature and at some point he will decide for himself. Only the parent from this will be much more painful.


Jan 26, 2019
Olya et Vadim, un couple russe, ont de grands projets : ils veulent se rendre en Allemagne pour acheter une dépanneuse d’occasion. Pendant des nuits entières, Vadim recherche sur Internet le véhicule le mieux adapté à son garage. Son seul revenu actuel provient des voitures Lada des naufragés qui empruntent la route dangereuse qui sort du village. Cette «route de la mort» symbolise l’endroit où vivent Olya et Vadim : un no-man's land russe qui n’a jamais eu de liens significatifs avec le reste du monde. La logique de ce monde devient folle lorsque Vadim entre accidentellement en contact avec une webCam girl de Géorgie. Vadim ne sait pas d’abord si elle habite la Géorgie, ex-état soviétique, ou l’État américain du même nom, bien que cela ne fasse pas beaucoup de différence pour lui, de toute façon. Il tombe follement amoureux de cette jeune femme…


Aug 17, 2019
A girl named Mary runs away from all contact with her beloved, avoiding his constant efforts to reach her. It pains Mary to remember the good times they shared because she can’t understand what went wrong. Submerging herself deeper and deeper into her memories, she soon has a hard time distinguishing them from reality. It eventually becomes clear that Mary’s beloved is having such a hard time reaching her because he is no longer among the living. Despite this, he is the only one who can help Mary pulls through the difficulties she is facing, and he accompanies her on her journey every step of the way. Parting is only temporary, and all one needs to do is blink to realize that everything is in fact alright.