Максим Линников

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Jan 26, 2017
Victime d'un incident, un vaisseau spatial extraterrestre est pris en chasse par des avions russes, qui parviennent finalement à l'abattre. Le vaisseau s'écrase dans la banlieue de Moscou et les survivants, bien que pacifiques, sont traqués et parqués par l'armée moscovite. Une écolière parvient à sauver et à cacher l'un des extraterrestres. Et bientôt, toute la population commence à émettre des doutes sur les motivations des aliens et la nécessité de les enfermer.


Feb 21, 2013
Le métro de Moscou : 300 km de voies, 6 millions de passagers par jour. À l’heure de pointe, une des conduites qui serpentent sous le fleuve s’affaisse, et une monstrueuse inondation déferle dans les tunnels. L’impact de la vague souterraine avec les trains bondés et stations saturées est imminent...


Apr 21, 2016
The story begins in 1991. At Sheremetyevo Airport, a part of the state loan - one million dollars - was stolen. The young investigator Konstantin Gromov was assigned to investigate this case. However, in hot pursuit, he fails to find the robbers. For a long time, Gromov lives with a feeling of professional defeat. But one day, after more than 25 years, the hero attacks the trail of criminals. Gromov could not even imagine how complicated the story is behind the stolen money.


Jan 01, 1970
2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.
Science Fiction


Apr 07, 2022
Max is a famous bodybuilder who dreams of becoming a planet champion; for health reasons, he is forced to retire from sports. His life is going downhill. By chance, he meets with an ambulance doctor Viktor, who once commissioned by the Ministry of Defense developed a unique medicine that allows not only to treat the worst diseases, but also to strengthen all the capabilities of the human body. However, the project was frozen. Victor wants to finish the job. He needs a test subject, and Max is perfect for completing the experiment.


May 28, 2014
At the end of the 19th century, a series of mysterious murders occur in the provincial city of N. Metropolitan investigator Goremykin arrives at the crime scene. The search for the perpetrators leads to an unexpected conclusion – a revolutionary circle within the city, which consists of two young men recently returned from Switzerland.
Детективное агентство Мухича
After another "successful" case of catching a thief, Mukhich and Kristina are fired, and they open their own detective agency in Barvikha. The partners take on a variety of cases: from spying on the mistress of a rich entrepreneur to protecting the director of an IT company, into whose consciousness someone is trying to penetrate in a dream. Mukhich and Kristina will do everything to ensure that no crime in Barvikha remains unsolved, and old acquaintances will help them in their investigations.