Taher Shabbir

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Fan (le plus grand de tous)
Gaurav, un jeune homme de 20 ans, est le plus grand FAN de la superstar du cinéma indien Aryan Khanna. Il gagne d’ailleurs le prix du meilleur sosie de cette acteur. Pour couronner le tout, Gaurav décide d’aller à la rencontre de son idole et lui remettre le trophée le jour de son anniversaire. Après mille et un obstacles, Gaurav parvient à son but. Il se retrouve face à son idole, son univers, son dieu comme il l’appelle. Mais les choses ne vont pas se passer comme prévu.
Manikarnika: Reine de Jhansi
Ce film retrace le combat d'une des grandes figures de la rébellion indienne contre la domination britannique en 1857 et plus particulièrement contre la Compagnie des Indes-Orientales.
Bypass Road

Bypass Road

Nov 08, 2019
The story revolves around a young man, Vikram, who is a fashion prodigy. The story is layered with a murder in town.


Mar 06, 2020
Lorsque le beau gosse de la fac est accusé de viol par une étudiante moins populaire, sa petite amie analyse différentes versions de l'histoire pour découvrir la vérité.
Bitter Sweets

Bitter Sweets

Jan 01, 1970
A captivating short film that delves into the intricate layers of human relationships, aspirations, and the bitter realities that often accompany life's sweet moments. The narrative revolves around four central characters.
Bitter Sweets

Bitter Sweets

Jan 01, 1970
A captivating short film that delves into the intricate layers of human relationships, aspirations, and the bitter realities that often accompany life's sweet moments. The narrative revolves around four central characters.
Bitter Sweets

Bitter Sweets

Jan 01, 1970
A captivating short film that delves into the intricate layers of human relationships, aspirations, and the bitter realities that often accompany life's sweet moments. The narrative revolves around four central characters.


Sep 15, 2023
A father-son tale set against the backdrop of a complex financial crime and a little-known time in the history of India and Bangladesh. Watch their dark journey.
Le Caprice du Destin

Le Caprice du Destin

Mar 19, 2018
« Les Caprices du Destin » raconte l’histoire d’un amour impossible entre deux inconnus réunis par le destin ; Aditya et Zoya. Après avoir perdu leurs conjoints respectifs dans un accident, Aditya et Zoya, deux inconnus, découvrent que ces derniers (Pooja et Yash) étaient amants et qu’ils se trouvaient même ensemble lorsqu’ils sont morts. Le monde tel qu’ils le voyaient s’écrase ainsi autour d’eux mais dans ce chaos, ils se retrouvent. Leur relation qui commence par la haine puisque chacun est un rappel constant du malheur de l’autre, se transforme peu à peu en amitié et cette amitié finit par se convertir en amour. Mais l’amour n’est pas facile à vivre quand on a été trahi une fois. De plus, des questions sans réponses subsistent suite au mystère autour de la mort de Pooja et Yash.


Sep 22, 2023
Kiyaan Roy's bestselling erotica novel gifts him a life that appears as perfect as a dream. However, the deepest corners of his heart desire for a different kind of pleasure; a wild pleasure that comes with pain. One day he realizes that someone has been watching him and knows his secret. Someone, who is equally obsessed with the pleasure in pain. Surprised at his luck and tempted by the opportunity, he sets out to explore his dark fantasies with her. But things turn out to be wilder than his imagination and he ends up at the verge of losing everything he ever had-right from his reputation and career, to his family and fiancée. Will Kiyaan be able to reclaim his perfect life, or lose it all in this chase for the thrill in pain?
Call Me Bae

Call Me Bae

Sep 06, 2024
Bae, billionaire fashionista is disowned by her ultra-rich family, owing to a salacious scandal and for the first time in her life, has to fend for herself. On this journey, she overcomes stereotypes and discovers who she really is.
Call Me Bae

Call Me Bae

Apr 25, 2020
Two women with different demons and life expectations cross paths only to make quirky team. With their dreams at stake and their clock ticking away, will this roller-coaster ride get them what they want...
Call Me Bae

Call Me Bae

Jan 26, 2024
What goes around, comes around? Let Karma come calling, she will handle it.
Call Me Bae

Call Me Bae

Apr 25, 2020
Two women with different demons and life expectations cross paths only to make quirky team. With their dreams at stake and their clock ticking away, will this roller-coaster ride get them what they want...