Petr Čechák

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Žralok v hlavě

Žralok v hlavě

Jun 01, 2004
Shark in the Head unfolds into a stunning cinematic powerhouse that combines comedy and drama for a touching story about how we influence the people we meet while being profoundly affected ourselves by the colors they bring to our own lives.


Jul 30, 2009


Piotr (Paweł Królikowski) jest psychiatrą. Siedzi na nocnym dyżurze, gdy na jego oddział przywożą chłopaka. To Kamil (Lesław Żurek), syn którego nie widział całe lata. Chłopak znika ze szpitala równie szybko, jak się pojawił. Jednak Piotr postanawia nawiązać z nim kontakt. Zaprasza go do siebie i poznaje ze swoją piękną, młodą narzeczoną (Anna Geislerová). Po wizycie Kamila kobieta uświadamia sobie, że Piotr jest dla niej zagadką i naprawdę nic o nim nie wie. A Piotr rzeczywiście skrywa mroczną tajemnicę…
Špunti na vodě

Špunti na vodě

Apr 13, 2017
A family comedy about what happens when dads want to water without their precious halves.
Cena za štěstí

Cena za štěstí

Jan 10, 2019
Happiness is often found unexpectedly, so what? A lesbian couple raise their two children in perfect harmony when a man from the past intervenes. Violent psychopath demands the custody of his daughter, while his ex-wife suffers his terror. Two teenagers simply run away and a devout man does not have the strength to protect his love.

Apr 01, 2019

Detective Kunes has a problem once again: he's lambasted the boyfriend of his ex-wife, and is threatened with dismissal from the police service. His high-ranking (female) boss has a solution for him: "removing" him on an internships in a back-of-beyond borderland region. But there's a fly in the ointment. His real mission is to unravel the two-year old case of the murder of policewoman Wágnerová, the investigation of which has reached an impasse. But the crime rate in the borderlands is one of the highest in the whole country - involving smuggling, drug production, poaching, prostitution and murders. Kunes has to deal with one difficult case after another, and it takes quite some time before he can start doing what he's sent to do, and then he does it in fact by coincidence.

Feb 10, 2013

Après que Jan Palach se soit immolé par le feu en signe de protestation contre l'occupation soviétique de la Tchécoslovaquie en 1969, Dagmar Burešová, une jeune avocate, est devenue une partie de son héritage en défendant la famille de Jan dans un procès contre le gouvernement communiste. Un régime qui a essayé de déshonorer le sacrifice de Palach, une action héroïque pour la liberté de la Tchécoslovaquie. L'histoire de Jan et Dagmar est l'une des valeurs fondamentales de l'homme, de la vérité, de l'honneur, de la justice et du courage.

Sep 23, 2012


Dec 15, 2019

Une jeune institutrice complexée par son poids a l'opportunité de devenir danseuse dans un cabaret. Contre l'avis de son entourage, elle se lance dans cette aventure, y voyant une opportunité de reprendre confiance en elle.