Josef Humpolec

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Špunti na vodě

Špunti na vodě

Apr 13, 2017
A family comedy about what happens when dads want to water without their precious halves.


Jan 12, 2012
Le destin croisé de deux personnages (sur le thème d'une quête du Graal), Alaïs et Alice, toutes deux issues d'une époque différente. Alaïs vit au XIIIe siècle, en pleine période des croisades. Elle va recevoir un manuscrit des mains de son père lui donnant ainsi la responsabilité d'un savoir secret s'y trouvant. Alice, pour sa part, va, pendant des fouilles à Carcassonne en 2005, découvrir un texte écrit dans une langue ancienne, qui l'entraînera dans une aventure historique.


Feb 16, 2012
Two young technicians, Filos and Kája, come to a small village that is a bit cut off from the rest of the world in order to find the best place to install a new station for the reception of a cell phone signal. Their arrival understandably arouses a feeling of expectation among the locals, especially when they learn of the interesting financial reward for the owner of the land on which the transmitter will stand. A fight flares up in the village over this reward, and all weapons, those permitted and those not, are put into use. Of course, there is also the question of whether Filos and Kája will be able to live up to the expectations that have been placed on them. Maybe they aren't even who they claim to be...


Jun 04, 2021
Trapped in a nomadic world that makes less and less sense, Eliška yearns for a safer and more stable life for herself and her little brother Aleš. As illegitimate repo men begin frequenting their home, Eliška’s uncertainty about her and her brother’s future reaches a crescendo and she is forced to take action to protect Aleš from this shady and dangerous life.
Noční klid

Noční klid

May 23, 2024
A wealthy middle-aged man at the airport witnesses a tiny incident involving an unknown, perhaps Arab, young man and airport staff. After the young man is confronted directly at the airport toilets, he feels himself subject to an indefinable but increasingly serious sense of danger. The fear of the evil that had, as it were, encircled the man since then, gradually becomes an obsession. The urgent desire to see the evil, to confront it and destroy it.
Le village des secrets
Intolérance, inceste, manipulations, trafics, corruption, police dépassée : la bourgade de Buchnov, et ses vérités soigneusement enfouies, n'a rien de riant. Un enchevêtrement de peurs, de jalousies et de complicités a conduit un village entier à étouffer un meurtre. Sédentarisée mais reléguée à l'extérieur du village, la communauté rom hérite ici des basses œuvres et des crimes commis par d'autres. Ce village aux antagonismes exacerbés en raison, notamment, de difficultés sociales, apparaît comme un concentré des maux qui rongent l'Europe, où le sort réservé aux Roms n'est, dans l'ensemble, guère enviable.
Modrý kód

Modrý kód

Jun 22, 2020
A Czech medical television series that focuses on an emergency department. Each episode follows cases inspired by real-life stories and the cases of patients and healthcare professionals.