Franca Valeri

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Questi fantasmi

Questi fantasmi

Nov 12, 1954
A young husband is persuaded to move his new bride into an old palace that is supposedly haunted.But the so called ghost is really the bride's former lover who is stalking her on the premises.
Débrouillez-vous !

Débrouillez-vous !

Sep 04, 1959
Dans la Rome de l'après-guerre, deux familles sont contraintes de cohabiter dans un appartement. Lorsque les conditions de vie s'améliorent, l'un des deux patriarches se lance à la recherche d'un logement convenable.
Totò a colori

Totò a colori

Apr 08, 1952
In the first Italian film to be shot in color, Totò portrays a musician named Antonio Scannagatti who strongly hopes to sell his composition, "Epopea italiana", to Tiscordi, who is one of the most important Italian impresarios.
Gli onorevoli

Gli onorevoli

Oct 10, 1963
Some political candidates are determined to win the electors' preference during an election campaign in Italy.
La ragazza del palio

La ragazza del palio

Dec 20, 1957
A Texas girl wins a trip to Italy where she meets a prince who's afraid to admit that he's flat broke (so is she). They strike up an affair, but things come to a crazy conclusion when he tries to bribe a horse to win a race at the Palio racing grounds.
Un amore in prima classe
A man from Milan, Carmelo, is forced to take his young son Malcolm, on a trip down South so his mother, who usually takes care for the boy, can go on vacation with her Moroccan boyfriend. Carmelo, who obviously is not too often at home, has no clue about how to deal with young children, even the most basic chores a father should know to tend the restless imp thrown in his care. The crowded train traveling from Milan to Reggio, Calabria, is packed in the second class section where Carmelo and Malcom have a hard time getting a seat. When they finally do, young Malcolm decides to disappear from his compartment. He goes to the first class car, where eventually Carmelo decides to sit and pay the extra supplement. He is lucky to find more space, and the companionship of Beatrice, a woman that is bringing the skeleton of a rare animal. Carmelo finds a way to interest the lady. Their ride is certainly bumpy, complicated when he decides to leave the mischievous Malcolm at an intermediate stop.
Le Veuf

Le Veuf

Nov 20, 1959
Alberto Nardi, homme d'affaires médiocre et dépensier, est marié à Elvira, issue d'une riche famille à la tête d'une fortune conséquente. Alors que les créanciers le harcèlent, son banquier accepte de lui prêter de l'argent uniquement si son épouse le garantit. Lassée d'éponger les dettes de son mari, Elvira refuse et Alberto se prend à espérer un prompt veuvage…
Le Signe de Vénus

Le Signe de Vénus

Mar 12, 1955
Les péripéties amoureuses de deux cousines vivant sous le même toit. Une tante et le père de l'une d'entre elles surveillent leurs faits et gestes. Agnese, d'une beauté sculpturale, attire les regards de tous les garçons et semble promise à Ignazio, un jeune sapeur-pompier. Cesira, moins séduisante et plus intériorisée, tarde, de son côté, à trouver l'homme de sa vie. Une astrologue, logée dans son immeuble, lui a pourtant prédit une configuration personnelle favorable: celle placée sous le signe de Vénus...
Piccola posta

Piccola posta

Dec 22, 1955
La comtesse polonaise Lady Eva est la signature faisant autorité de la correspondance d'un magazine féminin italien: derrière le nom fascinant se cache une romaine qui, avec ses conseils tranchés, créera une série de situations comiques.
Un héros de notre temps
Alberto Menichetti vit avec sa tante et sa vieille bonne à Rome. Il travaille dans l’entreprise de Vedova De Ritis, une séduisante veuve qui est secrètement amoureuse de lui. Mais Alberto est attiré par Marcella, une jeune femme du village.
Chacun son alibi

Chacun son alibi

Dec 13, 1960
Trois couples de Romains empruntent le train pour se rendre à Monte-Carlo : Franzetti (Alberto Sordi), joueur impénitent, et son épouse Eleonora (Dorian Gray) ; des artisans-coiffeurs, les Capretti (Vittorio Gassman et Silvana Mangano) ; deux pauvres citoyens, Quirino et Giovanna Filonzi (Nino Manfredi et Franca Valeri) qui, après avoir retrouvé un toutou, espèrent bien en recevoir une récompense. Or, la maîtresse du chiot en question vient précisément d'être assassinée. La hantise d'être soupçonnés conduit le couple Filonzi à accumuler les mensonges. Au point qu'ils finissent par être accusés du crime. La situation n'est guère meilleure pour les autres : les Capretti constatent que leur valise a abrité le cadavre de la dame, tandis que Franzetti, ayant à nouveau trompé sa femme, émet de faux aveux. Fort heureusement, la police parviendra à les innocenter. Hélas, dans le wagon du retour, un autre meurtre non élucidé les mettra dans l'embarras...
Basta guardarla

Basta guardarla

Dec 27, 1970
Enrichetta, a young peasant girl who lives in a little village, joins Silver Boy as a dancer.
Tanto va la gatta al lardo...
Film in four episodes, inspired by the chronicle of the time: three mature sisters give themselves to a stranger, Maria tries to escape her husband, two Bolognese spouses quarrel and do not realize that the civil war has broken out, a Neapolitan fan scandalizes a first class compartment ..
L'Italia s'è Rotta

L'Italia s'è Rotta

Apr 13, 1976
Two Sicilian's, Peppe Truzzoliti and Antonio Mancuso, decide, after a misadventure with some mafia drug dealers, to leave the cold and racist Turin to return to their native land. Along for the ride with them is Domenica, a beautiful girl from Veneto, who had arrived in Turin in search of work, but due to a number of setbacks, had been forced into prostitution.
La signora gioca bene a scopa?
A poker player on a losing streak meets a beautiful young woman. He's attracted to her, but she appears to be perfectly content with her boyfriend, a somewhat wussy writer. The gambler gets the idea that if he can get this woman into bed, it will change his luck at the gambling tables.
Le signorine dello 04

Le signorine dello 04

Feb 09, 1955
The lives and loves of five Italian telephone operators. One is betrayed by her husband, one helps a student who wants to take his life, one changes her boyfriend every other day, one is a single mother and the last one tries to inflame a recent-widower accountant.
Leoni al sole

Leoni al sole

Dec 22, 1961
The endless summer of a group of thirty-something neapolitans at Positano.
Scusi, facciamo l'amore?
When his father dies, young lad travels to Milan to attend the funeral and decides to follow in his father's footsteps as a gigolo. He is successful at finding rich women to prey on, but finds himself caught up in a bidding war.
Non ti conosco più amore
On entering her bathroom, Luisa finds a naked man showering. She calls the police at once and the man is arrested. At the police station Alberto, a psychiatrist, recognizes the man: he is Paolo, Luisa's husband. Alberto offers to help Paolo, but when the two men arrive at his home, Paolo still in his bathrobe, Luisa hugs Alberto and calls him Paolo. The two men try everything they think of to help Luisa regain her memory until the last (but not too unexpected) surprise.
Ettore lo fusto

Ettore lo fusto

Jan 06, 1972
A pimp named Horny Hector operates a brothel on property coveted by Cardinal Giove. The Cardinal comes up with a plan to force Hector into selling him the land by kidnapping Helen, triggering a small gang war.
Parigi o cara

Parigi o cara

Dec 05, 1962
Parigi O Cara is probably the most camp in the history of Italian cinema, certainly a favourite with the GLBT community who quote its lines by heart. Unique as it's the only film where Franca Valeri (now 90) is the unquestioned star, in the role of Delia, a snobbish, stingy prostitute who is moving to Paris looking for greener and more lucrative pastures. An anti-neorealist, amoral, almost abstract comedy, which anticipates Almodóvar, a ferocious, though gentle, non-moralistic portrayal of the 60's boom and its broken dreams. The dialogue between Delia and her brother (played by Fiorenzo Fiorentini), when he does (or does not) tell her he is a homosexual, is memorable, a primordial coming-out, a masterpiece of allusions. But what makes it one of the first examples of a film with a "gay point of view" is the approach: perceptive, non-conformist, caustically witty. A film ahead of its times, still unbeaten.
Ultimo tango a Zagarol
A woman feeds her husband with scraps and gives the best food to her lover, whom she hides in the attic. The husband abandons her and goes and lives with a young girl who drags him into a sadomasochistic relationship.
Moi, moi, moi et les autres
Gab a une vie rangée : une fiancée, un mariage en préparation, une famille aisée. Leïla ne s’autorise pas à vivre la sienne : des études de droit, un petit frère turbulent, une maman partie trop tôt… Alors lorsque Gab renverse le petit frère de Leïla, c’est le choc des mondes et le début d’une grande histoire d’amour qui va se heurter violemment à la réalité. Tina, la plus proche confidente de Leïla est sans papiers, sous la menace d’une reconduite à la frontière et se fait arrêter. Alors que le monde de Leïla s’effondre, Gab est prêt à tout pour elle, même à s’opposer à son père, préfet de police. Et qui a dit que rien n’était impossible tant qu’on a de l’amour ?…
C'est pas moi, c'est lui
Pierre Renard est le nègre de l'écrivain Georges Vallier. Lors d'une réception, l'acteur italien Aldo Barazutti le prend pour l'écrivain et lui propose de venir travailler avec lui en Tunisie à l'élaboration d'un scénario. En fait Barazutti veut seulement fuir sa femme pour retrouver sa maîtresse Valérie. Quiproquos lorsque Vallier les rejoint. Ils doivent fuir dans le désert un mari jaloux...
Les Feux du music-hall
Au cœur des années trente, dans des trains et des gares sans confort, une troupe d'actrices et d'acteurs de variétés traverse de part en part une Italie provinciale, pauvre et pittoresque et donne des représentations quand et où elle le peut.
La ragazza del bersagliere
Anita, a free Emilian girl falls in love with Salvatore, a Neapolitan bersagliere. The two would like to get married, but he drowns while bathing in the river. From that moment the woman is unable to love anyone else because, at the most beautiful, the ghost of her fiancé appears to her who, in the end, will be able to be followed in the other world.
Vittorio D.

Vittorio D.

Sep 17, 2009
A documentary about Vittorio de Sica with clips of his films and testimonials from friends and family.
Paulo Roberto Cotechiño centravanti di sfondamento
It is the story of the brilliant football player Cotechiño, hired by the Napoli team as a centre-forward. Too bad that his professional career will be strongly influenced by the frequent absence of his fiancée, for which he feels an inexplicable, almost obsessive jealousy. That's why he hires a plumber very similar to him to keep an eye on his beloved, but that won't be enough when Cotechiño is kidnapped.
La bidonata

La bidonata

May 19, 1977
Crime Comedy starring Walter Chiari, Maurizio Arena and Ettore Manni. Directed by Luciano Ercoli in 1977, but shelved when producer Niccolo De Nora was kidnapped... ironically the theme of the movie. A band of criminals plan one final heist, to kidnap a wealthy French businessman.
Le Moraliste

Le Moraliste

Jun 30, 1959
Agostino est secrétaire de l'Office International de la Moralité. Austère et particulièrement sévère, il se distingue publiquement par sa rigueur implacable en matière de censure de l'affichage cinématographique et dans la levée des sanctions à l'égard des boîtes de nuit. En réalité, c'est aussi un fournisseur privé de belles-de-nuit pour les plus florissants cabarets de Rome.
Alberto il grande

Alberto il grande

Feb 16, 2013
Docu-film directed by Carlo and Luca Verdone realized on 2013 in occasion of the tenth anniversary from the actor’s death happened on 24th February 2003. Through this documentary Verdone’s brothers with deep respect towards the Roman actor trace an affectionate and sincere portrait not only about an Artist but, above all, about a man with his habits, his ideas, his tics, his vices and his virtues. And for the first time Mrs Aurelia – Alberto Sordi’s sister who is dedicated the documentary – opens the doors of the beautiful house of Via Druso where the actor has lived since 1958. In this way we are led by Carlo Verdone (a sort of Virgilio whose Dante Alighieri wrote about but we are not in the Hell but in the Seven Heaven where there is the source of the Italian Cinema) and on the tips and staying in silence we can go into the rooms of this wonderful house which reveals the true, authentic character of Alberto Sordi.
Un beau Chassis

Un beau Chassis

Nov 30, 1962
Trois histoires-sketches sur quelques mésaventures arrivées à des quidams avec leurs véhicules : soit qu'il est volé, soit dans lequel on y découvre un cadavre gênant, soit qu'il doit servir d'alibi dans un accident...
Nel giorno del signore
Margherita nicknamed Fornarina is Raphael's mistress. Beatrice, a noblewoman who is also in love with the famous painter tries to get her out of the way, by having her wrongly accused of the murder of a loan shark, whom she has in reality killed herself. Fornarina is sentenced to death. Will Raphael manage to prove her innocent?
Villa Borghese

Villa Borghese

Dec 18, 1953
Villa Borghese, Rome's biggest urban park, is the place where everyday laughs and dramas are consumed. The movie is made of six vignettes set there.
Le bigame

Le bigame

Feb 17, 1956
L'existence banale et sans histoires d'un brave représentant de commerce est profondément bouleversée lorsqu'une femme qu'il ne connaît absolument pas, l'accuse d'être bigame .....
Les maniaques

Les maniaques

Mar 28, 1964
Une anthologie de brefs sketches comiques basés sur des maniaques, principalement sexuels, mettant en vedette plusieurs figures de la société italienne.
Maris en liberté

Maris en liberté

Dec 18, 1957
A Rome, chaque année, au mois d’août, les épouses partent sur la Côte en vacances pendant que leurs maris respectifs restent à la maison pour travailler. C’est une période bénie pour ces hommes en quête d’aventures sentimentales. Sans leurs femmes pour les surveiller, ils s’éveillent à la séduction.
Le Jour le plus court

Le Jour le plus court

Feb 14, 1963
Parodie du film 'Le Jour le plus long' mettant en vedette deux comiques italiens Franco Franchi et Ciccio Ingrassia (À l'image du Jour le plus long, le film bénéficie de nombreuses apparitions d'acteurs connus, qui interprètent des rôles secondaires, afin d'éviter la faillite de la maison de production Titanus). Deux idiots engagés dans l'armée italienne pendant la Première Guerre mondiale deviennent, avec beaucoup de chance, de grands héros durant une bataille.


May 30, 1969
In all of his work, Bussotti makes frequent reference to the body, to sexuality. This to remind musicians — especially classically trained ones — that they are not body-less angels, that they are not just their musical thoughts, that they are still, in the last analysis, flesh and bones. Thus the erotic is not for shocking, but to stress that making music involves the body in a very direct way.
Scusi, facciamo l'amore?
When his father dies, young lad travels to Milan to attend the funeral and decides to follow in his father's footsteps as a gigolo. He is successful at finding rich women to prey on, but finds himself caught up in a bidding war.
Scusi, facciamo l'amore?
When his father dies, young lad travels to Milan to attend the funeral and decides to follow in his father's footsteps as a gigolo. He is successful at finding rich women to prey on, but finds himself caught up in a bidding war.
Parigi o cara

Parigi o cara

Dec 05, 1962
Parigi O Cara is probably the most camp in the history of Italian cinema, certainly a favourite with the GLBT community who quote its lines by heart. Unique as it's the only film where Franca Valeri (now 90) is the unquestioned star, in the role of Delia, a snobbish, stingy prostitute who is moving to Paris looking for greener and more lucrative pastures. An anti-neorealist, amoral, almost abstract comedy, which anticipates Almodóvar, a ferocious, though gentle, non-moralistic portrayal of the 60's boom and its broken dreams. The dialogue between Delia and her brother (played by Fiorenzo Fiorentini), when he does (or does not) tell her he is a homosexual, is memorable, a primordial coming-out, a masterpiece of allusions. But what makes it one of the first examples of a film with a "gay point of view" is the approach: perceptive, non-conformist, caustically witty. A film ahead of its times, still unbeaten.
Le Signe de Vénus

Le Signe de Vénus

Mar 12, 1955
Parigi O Cara is probably the most camp in the history of Italian cinema, certainly a favourite with the GLBT community who quote its lines by heart. Unique as it's the only film where Franca Valeri (now 90) is the unquestioned star, in the role of Delia, a snobbish, stingy prostitute who is moving to Paris looking for greener and more lucrative pastures. An anti-neorealist, amoral, almost abstract comedy, which anticipates Almodóvar, a ferocious, though gentle, non-moralistic portrayal of the 60's boom and its broken dreams. The dialogue between Delia and her brother (played by Fiorenzo Fiorentini), when he does (or does not) tell her he is a homosexual, is memorable, a primordial coming-out, a masterpiece of allusions. But what makes it one of the first examples of a film with a "gay point of view" is the approach: perceptive, non-conformist, caustically witty. A film ahead of its times, still unbeaten.
Caro maestro

Caro maestro

Apr 17, 1997
Caro maestro is an Italian television comedy series which aired from 1996 to 1997 on Canale 5. The series follows Stefano Giusti, a bus driver who is allowed to teach at Forte dei Marmi elementary school in which he was raised. There, he meets and falls in love with Elisa, teacher and director of the school, with whom he used to date.
Nel mondo di Alice

Nel mondo di Alice

Sep 24, 1974
On a warm afternoon Alice falls asleep on the lawn and when she wakes up finds herself catapulted into an unreal and colorful world populated by strange characters and talking animals. Following first a white rabbit and then through a mirror, she will have fantastic adventures, amid clumsy talking chessmen and a shrewish duchess, played by Franca Valeri. When she wakes up, everything will return to normal, leaving her with the memory of a frightening but beautiful dream at the same time.