Carol Fazu

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Gonzaga: De Pai pra Filho
Luiz Gonzaga decides to change his destiny and leaves his childhood home for the big city to overcome a romance. When he arrives, he meets a woman he falls in love with, the Odaleia (Nanda Costa). After the birth of his son and his wife's health complications, he decides to return to the road to ensure a better future for his son. He has a friend in Rio de Janeiro and with him leaves the little one and heads to Brazil. He didn't imagine that this distance between them would develop into a complicated relationship, enhanced by the strong personalities of both. Based on conversations between father and son, this is the story of Luiz Gonzaga, a singer and accordion player known as Rei do Baião or Gonzagão.
Malu de Bicicleta

Malu de Bicicleta

Feb 04, 2011
Luiz Mario, a São Paulo night-club impresario and a classic "bon vivant", is also an avid collector of love affairs. He is surrounded by all types of women, with whom he has torrid flings, but he is never able to emotionally involve himself. Until one day, while passing by Rio de Janeiro, he falls head-over-heels for the carioca Malu, who practically runs him over on her bike while riding down Leblon's beach bike path. The couple's fervent romance is abruptly thrown into disarray when an enigmatic love letter is discovered. From then on, the story between the two lovers is turned upside-down. Luiz Mario is consumed by jealousy and his emotions slowly seep into his relationship, destroying everything.
Back To Maracanã

Back To Maracanã

Jul 18, 2019
Roberto, divorced with a failing business, his son Itay, a spoiled child that snubs his father and despises soccer, and the grandfather Samuel, an enthusiastic soccer fan that recently found out he doesn’t have much time to live, depart spontaneously to the World Cup Games in Brazil- their former homeland. Their unplanned trip turns into an emotional journey that changes all of them forever.
Segundo Sol

Segundo Sol

Nov 09, 2018
Luzia is a hard working mother whose life is turned upside down when she falls in love with Beto Falcão, a declining singer who regains his fame after taken for dead. But this romance jeopardizes the ambitious plans of Beto's ex-girlfriend and a devious bawd who will do anything to put an end to the musician's infatuation. In order to save her life, Luiza leaves her little children behind, flees the country and becomes DJ Ariella. Years later she comes back to fight fiercely for a second chance at reuniting her family, unaware she will soon meet again the love of her past and her tormentors.
Passions mortelles

Passions mortelles

Aug 19, 2011
Leonardo Brandão, l'ainé d'une famille aisée de Florianópolis (Floripa), manipule ses proches par la flatterie. Il considère son père Raul comme un entrepreneur complaisant, sans ambition, et la modestie de son frère Pedro, un pilote d'avion, l'exaspère. Léo multiplie les escroqueries pour expliquer son indépendance financière. Pour avoir voulu dérober une cargaison transportée par son frère, il cause un accident. Pedro alors accusé de négligences sur l'avion qu'il pilotait est emprisonné et tenu responsable du décès de sa fiancée qui l'accompagnait. Léo séduit facilement une aide-soignante frustrée, Norma, pour voler son patron. Condamnée par la justice et obnubilée par cet homme, Norma décide de s'endurcir et jure de l'humilier à sa libération. Horácio Cortez est à la tête d'une grande banque de Rio de Janeiro. Veuf une première fois, le banquier a su se faire un carnet d'adresses et avoir une reconnaissance dans l'élite carioca grâce à sa deuxième épouse Clarice. Fraudeur en affaires et infidèle en amour, Cortez soigne hypocritement son image médiatique. Natalie Lamour, une candidate de télé-réalité aussi bien connue pour sa futilité que pour ses photos dénudées, exploite sa notoriété soudaine pour grimper socialement avec son frère et sa mère femme de ménage. Elle souhaite se marier le plus vite que possible à quelqu'un qui pourrait assouvir ses caprices. Vitória Drummond, une des femmes d'affaires les plus puissantes de Rio, n'apprécie pas beaucoup les mondanités. Elle craint de voir ses petites filles, dont elle s'est occupée, se faire approcher par des hommes intéressés par leur fortune. L'une d'elles, Marina suit ses traces au sein de son groupe. L'autre, Bibi, bien au contraire, une femme cougar, profite de son statut et aime se venter.