Shaila Alvarez

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Mummy Reborn

Mummy Reborn

Apr 01, 2019
When a group of teens in financial ruin decide to rob the local antique store, they discover an old wooden tomb containing a Mummy's corpse and an ancient amulet. But what they don't realise is that this tomb is cursed, and when the amulet is separated from it's master, he will do anything to get it back. Our burglars must save the day and return the Mummy to it's tomb before it is too late to save the world.
Scarecrow's Revenge

Scarecrow's Revenge

Nov 02, 2019
A Viking Warrior must step up when a heathen, banished from her village gives up his mortal soul in exchange for the near indestructible form of a demonic Scarecrow. As warriors fall to the vengeful Scarecrow, it's down to Greta to save her village from annihilation.
The Lockdown Hauntings
With the streets now empty, it isn’t just nature that is taking advantage of this unprecedented global disaster. Spirits are freer than ever before and the spirit of a notorious serial killer, AKA ‘The Locksmith’, is back from the dead and he has even more potential victims. Can self-isolating detective George Parker with the guidance of paranormal expert Jordan Myers, prevent more young women from becoming victims of The Lockdown Hauntings?
Love Without Walls

Love Without Walls

Jun 09, 2023
Sophie and Paul (an aspiring musician) can't pay their London rent and turn to friends and family for support. Over the course of a summer, things go from bad to worse: The couple lose everything and find themselves lost in the underbelly of life on the streets. Though frustrated, their good humour and positivity land them odd jobs and a temporary shelter.
The Viking War

The Viking War

Oct 15, 2019
Ingrid and her siblings are on the run from the Beserkers who have begun invading the villages, taking over, savagely using the residents on a game where they vs a Beserker, and if they win, they get to survive - only, no one ever wins. The siblings are trying to escape the Beserkers after they violently murdered and took over their town. However, the Beserkers are on their trail, and want to put them in the game.
Pagan Warrior

Pagan Warrior

Nov 11, 2019
After a savage gang of Vikings invade a Saxon Castle, murdering all in sight, one surviving man calls upon Krampus, the Yule devil to come to exact revenge for his family.


Mar 08, 2019
Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders

Apr 03, 2022
En 1919, à Birmingham, soldats, révolutionnaires politiques et criminels combattent pour se faire une place dans le paysage industriel de l'après-Guerre. Le Parlement s'attend à une violente révolte, et Winston Churchill mobilise des forces spéciales pour contenir les menaces. La famille Shelby compte parmi les membres les plus redoutables. Surnommés les "Peaky Blinders" par rapport à leur utilisation de lames de rasoir cachées dans leurs casquettes, ils tirent principalement leur argent de paris et de vol. Tommy Shelby, le plus dangereux de tous, va devoir faire face à l'arrivée de Campbell, un impitoyable chef de la police qui a pour mission de nettoyer la ville. Ne doit-il pas se méfier tout autant de la ravissante Grace Burgess ? Fraîchement installée dans le voisinage, celle-ci semble cacher un mystérieux passé et un dangereux secret.
Gangs of London

Gangs of London

Dec 01, 2022
Depuis 20 ans, Finn Wallace est le chef le plus puissant du crime organisé, faisant transiter des milliards de livres chaque année. Lorsqu'il est assassiné, son fils Sean Wallace est tout désigné pour prendre la relève, avec le soutien du clan Dumani. Ce passage de relais a d'importantes répercussions à l'échelle internationale. Entouré de nombreux rivaux, le jeune leader impulsif trouvera-t-il un précieux allié en la personne d'Elliot Finch, lequel porte un intérêt tout particulier à la famille Wallace ? Porté par sa destinée, Sean découvre les rouages internes de la plus grande organisation criminelle de Londres.