Lello Arena

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Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno
Vers l'an mille, à la cour du roi Alboino, gravitent trois personnages étranges : Fra Cipolla da Frosolone, le paysan Bertoldo, et son fils au comportement d'idiot. Grâce à leurs ruses, ils échappent à toutes sortes de situations absurdes.
Ricomincio da tre

Ricomincio da tre

Mar 05, 1981
Gaetano, a young Neapolitan, decides to leave home, work and friends, to look for other moments of life and meet other people.
Cuori nella tormenta

Cuori nella tormenta

Oct 19, 1984
Walter is a non-commissioned officer of the Navy, while Raf is a ship's cook. They become great friends but unfortunately they fall in love, without knowing it, with the same girl Sonia.
Toto Saporé et l'histoire magique de la pizza
A Naples au XVIIIème siècle le jeune Toto, troubadour et chanteur, aimerait plus que tout devenir cuisinier. Dans l'ombre du volcan qui surplombe la ville, vit Vesuvia, une démoniaque sorcière qui ne rêve que de la décheance de Toto. Elle lui fait parvenir des casseroles magiques qui lui permettra de cuisiner les mets les plus délicats. Mais ce cadeau est à double tranchant...
Scusate il ritardo

Scusate il ritardo

Mar 10, 1983
Vincenzo, a 30 years old apathetic and lazy man who still lives with his mother, has no job and no desire to improve. He meets Anna and fell in love with her but to keep the relationship alive he has to learn to accept more responsibility.
Piano Piano

Piano Piano

Mar 16, 2023
Anna is 13, on the keyboard of the piano she should learn to play are her tricks stolen from her mother. Her meeting with Peppino and Mariuolo will make her to take the step that separates childhood from the future.
Morto Troisi, viva Troisi!
The fake report about Troisi's death, with the direction of Troisi himself with Lello Arena and Anna Pavignano. A long of list people greet the comediam, from Gianni Boncompagni to Maria Giovanna Elmi. There is also Benigni, hidden behind a window, and Arena, his guardian angel.
Contes italiens

Contes italiens

Feb 26, 2015
Florence, XIVème siècle : la peste fait rage. Dix jeunes gens fuient la ville pour se réfugier dans une villa à la campagne et parler du sentiment le plus élevé qui existe, l'amour, dans toutes ses nuances.
Facciamo paradiso

Facciamo paradiso

Dec 22, 1995
Portrait de la société italienne de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle à travers le parcours de Claudia Bertelli, née dans l'après-guerre d'une famille bourgeoise, femme rebelle, féministe, puis religieuse.
Kaos II

Kaos II

Sep 06, 1998
Inspiré par les personnages de Luigi Pirandello, Kaos II entremêle plusieurs intrigues qui relient d'un fil de violence la Sicile brutale d'aujourd'hui à la Sicile mythique d'hier, s'attache aux pas de parias et de héros tragiques à travers les rues de la Rome des années 30, et nous conte des amours naissantes et autres histoires.
Morto Troisi, viva Troisi!
The fake report about Troisi's death, with the direction of Troisi himself with Lello Arena and Anna Pavignano. A long of list people greet the comediam, from Gianni Boncompagni to Maria Giovanna Elmi. There is also Benigni, hidden behind a window, and Arena, his guardian angel.
Ciao Darwin

Ciao Darwin

Feb 23, 2024
Ciao Darwin is a variety game show format from Italy sold under licence to several countries, including Romania, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Canada, USA, China and Greece. There are two competing teams of about 50 people each, usually made up of people who fit certain opposing stereotypes. In each game two members of the audience are selected at random, one from each team, indicated by a light in front of them which remains illuminated when all the other team members' lights have gone off. The games involve contestants competing in acts of bravery, style and talent, some of which are designed to humiliate the contestants, especially an assault course which was introduced with the Italian version in 2010, and the Finale which is a water tank game.
Ciao Darwin

Ciao Darwin

Feb 23, 2024
Ciao Darwin is a variety game show format from Italy sold under licence to several countries, including Romania, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Canada, USA, China and Greece. There are two competing teams of about 50 people each, usually made up of people who fit certain opposing stereotypes. In each game two members of the audience are selected at random, one from each team, indicated by a light in front of them which remains illuminated when all the other team members' lights have gone off. The games involve contestants competing in acts of bravery, style and talent, some of which are designed to humiliate the contestants, especially an assault course which was introduced with the Italian version in 2010, and the Finale which is a water tank game.