Paul Hellyer

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Data Limite Segundo Chico Xavier
UFO experts claim that after the explosion of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was an increase in the number of sightings of UFO'S (Unidentified Flying Objects) worldwide. Just over two decades later, the Brazilian medium Chico Xavier confided to close friends that when man reached the moon on July 20, 1969, happened a meeting with the celestial beings of our solar system to check the progress of humanity. They decided to grant a period of 50 years for humanity to evolve morally and live in peace, without provoking a third world war. If we live in peace until the Deadline, humanity would be ready to enter a new era of its existence, and magnificent feats would be checked everywhere, including our brothers from other planets would be expressly authorized to present themselves publicly and officially to Earth's residents.
Watchers 7: Physical Evidence
SOMETHING IS HAPPENING UFOs are being reported all over the world in greater numbers than ever before. Has something changed? Who are these beings, where do they come from, why do they work in the shadows and what is their agenda? Has the U.S. been sharing tech from these visitors since the 50s? Well take actual samples from a sphere that crashed to earth in Mexico and analyze them under an Electron Microscope, (SEM). Well examine a piece of drywall from a home that was visited. Are the fingerprints human, or alien? WATCHERS 7 looks at the science behind UFOs and their origin in ancient Biblical texts. A UK poll indicates more people believe in ETs than God. Whats next??
Calling Occupants

Calling Occupants

Jan 01, 2016
A young man and his friends experiment with human-initiated contact techniques in an attempt to develop a peaceful relationship with extra-terrestrials.


Sep 20, 2020
A storm is forming over the Nueva Córdoba neighborhood, while the statements of a former Canadian defense minister invite us on a journey into the unknown.
OVNIS : Une affaire d'États
En 2019, la Navy confirme la réalité de vidéos déclassifiées un an plus tôt. Des caméras embarquées dans des chasseurs ont filmé des engins effectuant des manœuvres impossibles pour des aéronefs terrestres. Cette annonce fait suite à la divulgation par le New York Times en 2017 d'un programme américain d'un coût de 22 millions de dollars par an dont l'objectif est d'étudier le phénomène. Son nom : AATIP pour Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification program. Pourquoi la première puissance mondiale et d'autres pays — dont la France — étudient-ils ce phénomène de façon tout à fait sérieuse et scientifique ? Plusieurs personnalités, un ancien de la DGSE, le sénateur américain à l'origine du programme AATIP, l'ancien directeur du GEIPAN (l'entité du CNES qui étudie le phénomène) et d'autres scientifiques posent un œil nouveau sur le sujet.
Deep Space

Deep Space

May 08, 2023
From the moment the real space race began, it was enshrouded with secrecy and disinformation. Now reports of extraterrestrial beings on Earth, suppressed advanced technologies and expansive government cover-ups are making their way into mass consciousness. But we have all been denied the whole story by those who would benefit from our continuing ignorance. What has been hidden will become evident as the pieces of this intricate puzzle are finally put together. Gaia brings together the best minds in their fields to shed new light on an extremely controversial subject which can no longer remain hidden or denied. It is up to you to evaluate the evidence and decide where you stand on the question of humanity's presence in Deep Space.