Hiner Saleem

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Si tu meurs, je te tue
Philippe, qui vient de sortir de prison, rencontre Avdal, un kurde à la recherche d’un criminel irakien. Les deux hommes se lient d’amitié. Avdal, qui rêve de rester en France, a prévu de faire venir à Paris sa fiancée, Siba. Soudain, Avdal meurt. Philippe se retrouve seul à devoir s’occuper de ses funérailles. Siba arrive à Paris et apprend la mort de son fiancé… Recueillie par un groupe de Kurdes, elle fait la connaissance de Philippe alors que Cheto, le père d’Avdal, arrive également à Paris…
My Sweet Pepper Land

My Sweet Pepper Land

Apr 09, 2014
Au carrefour de l’Iran, l’Irak et la Turquie, dans un village perdu, lieu de tous les trafics, Baran, officier de police fraîchement débarqué, va tenter de faire respecter la loi. Cet ancien combattant de l’indépen- dance kurde doit désormais lutter contre Aziz Aga, caïd local. Il fait la rencontre de Govend, l’institutrice du village, jeune femme aussi belle qu’insoumise...
Passeurs de rêves

Passeurs de rêves

Mar 08, 2000
Passeurs de Reves opens with longtime sweethearts Dolovan and Zara fleeing from their Mesopotamian village, which has been ravaged by ethnic warfare. As they make their way across the frigid Caucasian Mountains, Zara's parents, who are traveling with the couple, succumb to the elements. Dolovan and Zara eventually make it to a run-down evacuee camp presided over by a friendly Kurdish "tsar," where Zara discovers that her deceased father's suitcase is filled with cash. Although this is ostensibly good news, the cash makes the couple vulnerable to smugglers, dodgy guides, and counterfeiters, all of whom are eager to take advantage of Dolovan and Zara's newfound wealth. To further complicate matters, although they have money, the couple lack necessary visas to continue their journey, and soon Dolovan is taken away by the police. Abandoned in the Ukraine, Zara is robbed and then disappears, while Dolovan, traveling solo, eventually makes it to Paris to reunite with his love.
Kilomètre Zéro

Kilomètre Zéro

May 12, 2005
Passeurs de Reves opens with longtime sweethearts Dolovan and Zara fleeing from their Mesopotamian village, which has been ravaged by ethnic warfare. As they make their way across the frigid Caucasian Mountains, Zara's parents, who are traveling with the couple, succumb to the elements. Dolovan and Zara eventually make it to a run-down evacuee camp presided over by a friendly Kurdish "tsar," where Zara discovers that her deceased father's suitcase is filled with cash. Although this is ostensibly good news, the cash makes the couple vulnerable to smugglers, dodgy guides, and counterfeiters, all of whom are eager to take advantage of Dolovan and Zara's newfound wealth. To further complicate matters, although they have money, the couple lack necessary visas to continue their journey, and soon Dolovan is taken away by the police. Abandoned in the Ukraine, Zara is robbed and then disappears, while Dolovan, traveling solo, eventually makes it to Paris to reunite with his love.
Goodnight Soldier

Goodnight Soldier

Jun 29, 2022
Passeurs de Reves opens with longtime sweethearts Dolovan and Zara fleeing from their Mesopotamian village, which has been ravaged by ethnic warfare. As they make their way across the frigid Caucasian Mountains, Zara's parents, who are traveling with the couple, succumb to the elements. Dolovan and Zara eventually make it to a run-down evacuee camp presided over by a friendly Kurdish "tsar," where Zara discovers that her deceased father's suitcase is filled with cash. Although this is ostensibly good news, the cash makes the couple vulnerable to smugglers, dodgy guides, and counterfeiters, all of whom are eager to take advantage of Dolovan and Zara's newfound wealth. To further complicate matters, although they have money, the couple lack necessary visas to continue their journey, and soon Dolovan is taken away by the police. Abandoned in the Ukraine, Zara is robbed and then disappears, while Dolovan, traveling solo, eventually makes it to Paris to reunite with his love.
Goodnight Soldier

Goodnight Soldier

Jun 29, 2022
Passeurs de Reves opens with longtime sweethearts Dolovan and Zara fleeing from their Mesopotamian village, which has been ravaged by ethnic warfare. As they make their way across the frigid Caucasian Mountains, Zara's parents, who are traveling with the couple, succumb to the elements. Dolovan and Zara eventually make it to a run-down evacuee camp presided over by a friendly Kurdish "tsar," where Zara discovers that her deceased father's suitcase is filled with cash. Although this is ostensibly good news, the cash makes the couple vulnerable to smugglers, dodgy guides, and counterfeiters, all of whom are eager to take advantage of Dolovan and Zara's newfound wealth. To further complicate matters, although they have money, the couple lack necessary visas to continue their journey, and soon Dolovan is taken away by the police. Abandoned in the Ukraine, Zara is robbed and then disappears, while Dolovan, traveling solo, eventually makes it to Paris to reunite with his love.
Goodnight Soldier

Goodnight Soldier

Jun 29, 2022
Passeurs de Reves opens with longtime sweethearts Dolovan and Zara fleeing from their Mesopotamian village, which has been ravaged by ethnic warfare. As they make their way across the frigid Caucasian Mountains, Zara's parents, who are traveling with the couple, succumb to the elements. Dolovan and Zara eventually make it to a run-down evacuee camp presided over by a friendly Kurdish "tsar," where Zara discovers that her deceased father's suitcase is filled with cash. Although this is ostensibly good news, the cash makes the couple vulnerable to smugglers, dodgy guides, and counterfeiters, all of whom are eager to take advantage of Dolovan and Zara's newfound wealth. To further complicate matters, although they have money, the couple lack necessary visas to continue their journey, and soon Dolovan is taken away by the police. Abandoned in the Ukraine, Zara is robbed and then disappears, while Dolovan, traveling solo, eventually makes it to Paris to reunite with his love.