Trond Brænne

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Se deg ikke tilbake

Se deg ikke tilbake

Jan 10, 2000
The body of a local teenage girl named Annie was found by an idyllic pond in the woods. The suspect list grows indefinitely. However, as Inspector Sejer and his partner Jacob Skarre question the girl's family, and others, they realize she has a shocking secret she shared with no one.
Da jeg traff Jesus... med sprettert
Little Oddemann uses every means available to find Jesus, including his slingshot. The film takes us to Norway in the late '30s, where we meet a series of burlesque and humorous characters, whose antics convince Oddemann that growing up may be a bad idea. Yet Oddemann finds there are certain rewards to being grown-up, such as partying and chasing women, that merit closer examination.
Tatt av kvinnen

Tatt av kvinnen

Sep 07, 2007
A woman moves into a young man's home and starts to run his life -- a process that makes him fall hopelessly in love with her.
Cross my heart and hope to die
Otto a treize ans, et il va vivre un inoubliable été. Il a la phobie du noir et il a des secrets à garder. Son père a un accident et sa mère se comporte à ses yeux de façon bizarre. C’est surtout l’été de sa rencontre avec Frank : un voyou mystérieux qui est arrivé lorsque tout le monde était parti en vacances et qui lui avait posé la question : “T’as jamais fait de bêtises dans ta vie?”
Hører du ikke hva jeg sier!
"Så sjeldent som en virkelig morsom norsk komedie. Bildene og situasjonene bytter kjapt, så heng på! En grei historie om Stand-up-mannen som mistet tråden og kona tar over showet med dundrende suksess. Uforglemmelige scener, gnistrende skuespillere og haugevis av detaljer du kommer til å mores over. Humor, utroskap og en sprø familie. Se den! "
Det var en gang

Det var en gang

Aug 19, 1994
Based on three classic Norwegian folk tales collected by Asbjørnsen and Moe: The Little Boys Who Met the Trolls in Hedal Forest, Three Lemons and The Twelve Wild Ducks.
Over stork og stein

Over stork og stein

Sep 02, 1994
A married couple, unable to conceive, search for a male donor, but jealousy creates problems when the husband spies on his wife while posing as her brother.
Cellofan – med døden til følge
Marianne visits her dying father in the hospital who tells of a box of old letters that she must promise to destroy. Marianne chooses to do the opposite, and reads them instead. There she finds shocking accusations against her father, who allegedly murdered a young woman 25 years ago.
Over grensen

Over grensen

Feb 01, 1987
"The Feldmann Case" - Jacob and Rachel was killed on their flight from the Nazi occupation to Sweden in 1942. A year later their bodies are discovered, but after the war the case is re-opened, and the guilty ones is game.
Ballen i øyet

Ballen i øyet

Oct 02, 2000
While near sighted Denise plays football, she accidently gets a ball in her face, and her glasses break. When she wakes up in the hospital she's double sighted.


Mar 01, 2013
A tragic love affair between Victoria and Johannes. She's the daughter of a rich estate owner and he's the son of a poor miller. Despite the deep love between them, her father makes Victoria ditch Johannes for the richer Otto.
Jonny Vang

Jonny Vang

Feb 14, 2003
Dans une petite ville de Norvège, Jonny, Magnus et Tuva forment un trio d'amis inséparables qui se connaissent depuis l'enfance. Magnus et Tuva ont bientôt projeter de se marier. Mais Jonny accepte mal cette union depuis qu'il est tombé amoureux lui-aussi de Tuva et qu'il est devenu son amant. La situation se complique lorsque Jonny doit faire face à une série d'événements étranges. Après avoir reçu un mystérieux coup sur la tête, il est victime d'une rafale de tirs, du sabotage de sa voiture et de l'incendie de sa ferme. Jonny se demande alors si tout cela ne serait pas l'oeuvre d'une machination orchestrée par ces deux amis.
De la neige pour Noël
C’est bientôt Noël à Pinchcliffe. Comme tous les habitants, Solan et Ludvig attendent la neige. Hélas, elle ne tombe pas... Leur ami Féodor décide alors de fabriquer un canon à neige ultra-puissant ! Mais lorsque l’ambitieux directeur du journal local s’empare de la machine, Solan et Ludvig doivent prendre les choses en main pour éviter la catastrophe...
Bloody Angels

Bloody Angels

Dec 26, 1998
Dans le petit bourg de Hotten, la découverte du cadavre d'un jeune homme va raviver le spectre du meurtre et du viol d'une enfant handicapée. Un fait divers sordide survenu six mois auparavant et pour lequel ont toujours été soupçonnés les deux aines d'une famille de marginaux. Venu d'Oslo pour enquêter, Nicholas Ramm, policier humaniste et flegmatique, va affronter une population défiante et peu à peu hostile, unanimement soudée autour de ces drames successifs. Une amitié inattendue va rapprocher peu à peu le policier et Niklas, le jeune frère introverti des deux suspects.
Lysets vanvidd

Lysets vanvidd

Aug 15, 2013
Lars Hertervig (1830-1902) was considered to be one Norway's greatest artists before he was diagnosed with incurable insanity and pushed out into the cold. The paintings from the last 30 years of his life were considered the scribblings of a child, but subsequently turned out to bear clear similarities to styles that gained ground in Europe several decades later. Was the painter insane or just ahead of his time?


Jan 01, 1996
Disappointment, shame and unanswered love. Anna has to experience everything in a single evening, only 15 years old.
Kitchen Stories

Kitchen Stories

Sep 19, 2003
Swedish efficiency researchers come to Norway for a study of Norwegian men, to optimize their use of their kitchen. Folke Nilsson (Tomas Norström) is assigned to study the habits of Isak Bjørvik (Joachim Calmeyer). By the rules of the research institute, Folke has to sit on an umpire's chair in Isak's kitchen and observe him from there, but never talk to him. Isak stops using his kitchen and observes Folke through a hole in the ceiling instead. However, the two lonely men slowly overcome the initial post-war Norwegian-Swede distrust and become friends.


Jan 18, 2010
Police detective Cato Isaksen investigates the brutal murder of first violinist Siv Ellen Blades.


Dec 17, 2014
Frank « The Fixer » Tagliano, un ancien parrain de la mafia italienne de New York, entre dans le programme de protection des témoins après avoir fourni au FBI des éléments à charge contre Aldo Delucci, le frère du défunt caïd auquel Frank devait succéder. Tagliano demande à être installé à Lillehammer en Norvège, attiré par la ville parce qu'il avait regardé les retransmissions télévisées des Jeux olympiques d'hiver de 1994. Sa nouvelle identité est celle de l'immigré américano-norvégien Giovanni Henriksen.Il a tout perdu, à part de bonnes économies en espèces et sa longue expérience du « crime organisé ». Dans le pays de la « seconde chance », Frank y voit des opportunités pour édifier de nouvelles ressources financières...
Mot i brøstet

Mot i brøstet

Dec 08, 1997
Follows Karl (Nils Vogt), economist and accountant, after he is fired from his job and subsequently divorced by his greedy wife. After being helped out by his former colleague, Nils (Sven Nordin) and a travelling salesman, Henry (Arve Opsahl), the three become roommates.