Tony Benn

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Tony Benn: Labour's Lost Leader
Obituary film of the lifelong Labour politician, Tony Benn, who was an MP for over 50 years. Born the son of a viscount, Benn was elected Labour MP for Bristol South East at the age of 25, and in his political career became a champion of the working class.


Jan 30, 2015
A historical perspective to understand Neoliberalism and to understand why this ideology today so profoundly influences the choices of our governments and our lives.
Cabinet Confidential

Cabinet Confidential

Nov 17, 2001
A revealing one-off documentary that provides an inside view of how Tony Blair and former prime ministers - including Harold Wilson, Margaret Thatcher and John Major - have run their cabinet, the highest decision-making body in the land. Through candid interviews, rare archive footage and filming inside No 10, presenter Michael Cockerell opens the door to the Government's own chamber of secrets as he seeks the answer to the question: is the notion of cabinet government an obsolete concept?
How to Be Prime Minister
It begins with cheers but almost always ends in tears. Yet, as the election looms, competition for the top job grows ever more intense. Why? The hours are terrible, money so-so, job security non-existent. On the plus side, there's free accommodation in central London and probably more power over your country than any other leader in the western world. With the help of the present and previous incumbents, Michael Cockerell offers the first "how to" guide to the job of prime minister.
Trust Me - I'm a Politician
Last December's "Cheriegate" affair did little to abate the rampant public cynicism reserved for politicians - a mistrust evidenced in the turnout at the 2001 general election, which was the lowest for more than 80 years. In this documentary, Michael Cockerell talks to figures including Edwina Currie, Max Clifford, Geoffrey Robinson and Neil Hamilton in an effort to see if spin, sleaze and ministerial failure is to blame, or whether the media's sneering political coverage is most at fault.


Feb 10, 2011
Hosted by twice Oscar nominated actor and activist Woody Harrelson, Ethos lifts the lid on a Pandora's box of systemic issues that guarantee failure in almost every aspect of our lives; from the environment to democracy and our own personal liberty: From terrifying conflicts of interests in politics to unregulated corporate power, to a media in the hands of massive conglomerates, and a military industrial complex that virtually owns our representatives. With interviews from some of todays leading thinkers and source material from the finest documentary film makers of our times Ethos examines and unravels these complex relationships, and offers a solution, a simple but powerful way for you to change this system!
The Battle of Orgreave
Intercuts dramatic photographic stills from the clashes in 1984 with footage of the clashes re-enacted in 2001, together with moving and powerful testimonies, to tease out the complexities of this bitter struggle.
News from Durham

News from Durham

Jan 01, 1983
Combines footage of the 100th Durham Miner's Gala held in 1983, with extracts from a miners' weekend school held two months later, to raise the central issues that were of concern to the mineworkers' union during the lead up to the national strike of 1984.


May 18, 2007
Le système de santé américain est en plein marasme.Car non seulement 47 millions de citoyens n'ont aucune couverture médicale, mais des millions d'autres, pourtant bénéficiaires d'une mutuelle, se heurtent systématiquement aux lourdeurs administratives du système.Au terme d'une enquête sans concession sur le système de santé dans son propre pays, Michael Moore nous offre un tour d'horizon des dispositifs existants au Canada, en Grande-Bretagne et en France, où les citoyens sont soignés gratuitement.
L'Esprit de 45

L'Esprit de 45

Mar 15, 2013
L'année 1945 a marqué un tournant dans l'histoire de la Grande-Bretagne. L'unité de son peuple pendant les combats de 1939-1945, et le souvenir douloureux de l'entre-deux-guerres ont conduit à l'émergence d'un nouvel idéal social. La fraternité est ainsi devenue le mot d'ordre de cette époque. Pour former la trame narrative éminemment sociopolitique de son film, le réalisateur Ken Loach a eu recours à des séquences vidéo provenant d'archives régionales et nationales britanniques, à des enregistrements sonores et à des témoignages contemporains. L'esprit de 45 entend mettre en lumière et rendre hommage à un moment-clé de l'histoire du Royaume-Uni, marqué par un sentiment de solidarité sans précédent dont l'impact a été significatif pendant de nombreuses années, et qui risque pourtant d'être redécouvert aujourd'hui.
Beyond and Behind the Vote
Documentation of the 1984 Chesterfield by-election, which saw Tony Benn returned to parliament, and the early days of the Miners’ Strike which began shortly after.
The Scar

The Scar

Jan 01, 1997
Like many women active during the miners' strike, May Murton (Charlie Hardwick) has been left to clean up the mess. The closure of the pit, a failed marriage and the community’s disintegration have shattered both her personal and political beliefs. Her teenage children (Darren Bell and Katja Roberts) are out of control. Her estranged husband (Brian Hogg) has taken up residence in the allotments. At a dance, the night before the Durham Miners’ Gala, May meets Roy Cotton (Bill Speed) the recently arrived manager of an open cast mine.
Heath vs Wilson: The 10-Year Duel
Harold Wilson and Edward Heath are two very different men equally overlooked by history, but they were the political titans of the era in which Britain changed for ever. For ten years they faced each other in the House of Commons, and swapped in and out of Number Ten. They fought four general elections, three of which were amongst the most exciting of the century.
Paul Robeson: Here I Stand
Paul Robeson: Here I Stand presents the life and achievements of an extraordinary man. Athlete, singer, and scholar, Robeson was also a charismatic champion of the rights of the poor working man, the disfranchised and people of color. He led a life in the vanguard of many movements, achieved international acclaim for his music and suffered tremendous personal sacrifice. His story is one of the great dramas of the 20th century, spanning an international canvas of social upheaval and ideological controversy.


May 11, 1982
1999: A tower block contains youths ‘bought off’ by the government, in a climate of microchip-created endless leisure, who experience (often pornographic) virtual reality-style fantasies by donning the titular ‘shades’, until a 1980s theme party (they predicted that right, at least) leads to ideology and political thought seeping in under the dazed lifestyle.
Blackpool Wakes

Blackpool Wakes

Jan 13, 1989
From political conferences to the George Formby Society's annual bash, and Pleasure Beach to the weather, an Arena documentary on the seaside town of Blackpool and its history.
The Wilderness Years

The Wilderness Years

Dec 18, 1995
Documentary showing the many travails of the UK Labour Party during its long period in opposition from 1979 and through the 1980s and 1990s.


Apr 20, 2017
Documentary series which ranges widely over Britain's social and cultural history, its narrative-led storytelling offering a richly immersive and varied window onto the past.


Apr 20, 2017
Documentary series which ranges widely over Britain's social and cultural history, its narrative-led storytelling offering a richly immersive and varied window onto the past.
Wasted Windfall

Wasted Windfall

Jul 01, 1994
Three part documentary series about the discovery and exploitation of North Sea oil and its political and economic consequences.
Banned in the UK

Banned in the UK

Mar 10, 2005
Four-part series demonstrating different kinds of censorship, such as censorship by the government or of art.
Question Time

Question Time

Jan 16, 2025
This topical debate series based on Any Questions? typically features politicians from at least the three major political parties as well as other public figures who answer pre-selected questions put to them by a carefully selected audience.