Anne Collings

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Les Yeux de l'Enfer

Les Yeux de l'Enfer

Oct 27, 1961
L'histoire du Docteur Allen Barnes, qui récupère un mystérieux masque tribal. Quand il porte le masque, Barnes fait l'expérience de visions oniriques qui deviennent de plus en plus perturbantes et violentes. Ces visions commencent à altérer sa personnalité, jusqu'à la folie...
The Bloody Brood

The Bloody Brood

Oct 26, 1959
Un homme commence à enquêter sur la mort de son frère, qui est mort d'avoir manger un hamburger lacées avec du verre pilé. il méne sa propre enquête le menant vers un beatnik (hang-out) ,l'homme fréquenté par Nico (Peter Falk), un personnage louche qui fournit des médicaments aux clients et sur les maux philosopher du monde.
A Storm in Summer

A Storm in Summer

Feb 06, 1970
A story of the friendship between an elderly Jewish man and a young African-American boy set during the Vietnam War.
The Other Man

The Other Man

Oct 19, 1970
The neglected wife of an ambitious district attorney starts an affair with an ex-convict he had sent to prison. When her lover is found murdered, she begins to suspect that her husband did it.
Seven Alone

Seven Alone

Dec 20, 1974
Un récit fictif de l'aventure réelle de la famille Sager. En voyageant avec un wagon du Missouri à l'Oregon, les choses se passent bien pour les Sagers, jusqu'à ce que le père Sager meure d'un empoisonnement du sang suite à une attaque indienne et que sa mère meure peu après d'une pneumonie. Les dirigeants du wagon décident de renvoyer les enfants, mais l'aîné, John (qui avait été décrit par tous les adultes comme paresseux et sans valeur), décide de conduire ses frères et sœurs à travers le désert pour terminer le voyage que leurs parents ont commencé.
Escape from Angola

Escape from Angola

Jan 01, 1976
Adventure - Moving to the unspoiled terrain of Africa was a risk the Mallory family survived. This family of animal trainers soon find themselves in a desperate struggle for their lives after their truck breaks down deep in the African bush. They split up to search for help, only to find themselves face to face with some of the most dangerous wild animals in Africa: crocodiles, cobras and other deadly beasts. - Stan Brock, Anne Collings, Steven Tors
Pierrot in Montreal

Pierrot in Montreal

Jan 01, 1957
In this documentary short, Canadian mime Guy Hoffman, acting as Pierrot, introduces us to the art of pantomime. The streets of Montreal and the Belmont Amusement Park are the backdrop for the traditional story of Pierrot, who loses his love, Columbine, to Harlequin.
Now That April's Here

Now That April's Here

Jun 19, 1958
An anthology based on the works of Canadian author Morley Callaghan “Silk Stockings” is about a shy teenager buying a gift out of love for his landlady’s daughter only to be disappointed in his affections. “Rocking Chair” is about a widower rebuffing his late wife’s friendship out of loyalty. “The Rejected One” is about a humble shop girl being insulted and scorned over supper by her rich boyfriend’s family. “A Sick Call” is about young woman returning to Catholicism on her sickbed over the objections of her Protestant husband, who fears religion will come between them during a priest’s visit.