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Jan 01, 1990
Two high school girls with supernatural powers fell in love with werewolves created by scientists. Eventually he died because of the scientist, and the two faced off against the scientist.
Science Fiction


Oct 22, 2008
Minoru has spent most of his life being protected by his spunky female best friend Aki. Fed up, he decides to take up boxing. However, just as he manages to get stronger than Aki she becomes obsessed with boxing herself.
Yo nimo Kimyou na Monogatari: 2003 Spring Special
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Spring Special" presents five tales. 1. Kao wo Nusumareta (My Face was Stolen) - starring Inagaki Goro 2. Rental Love - starring Iijima Naoko 3. Oikaketai (I want to Chase [Him/Her]) - starring Kyono Kotomi 4. Chozeikin Taisaku Satsujin Jiken (Countering Excessive Taxation Murder Case) - starring Nishimura Masahiko 5. Kage no Kuni (The Country of Shadows) - starring Sakurai Sachiko
Yo nimo Kimyou na Monogatari: 2003 Fall Special
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Fall Special" presents five tales. 1. *Kagi (The Key) - starring Eguchi Yosuke. 2. Perfect Couple - starring Yada Akiko. 3. Toosugita Otoko (The Man Who Was Too Far Away) - starring Nakamura Shido. 4. Meiro (The Maze)- starring Tanihara Shosuke. 5. Kage ga Omonaru Toki (When Shadows Accumulate) - starring Yashima Norito. * Adapted from a novel by Tsutsui Yasutaka.
TV Movie


Sep 20, 2007
Remake of the 2005 South Korean movie "Marathon", this special is about an autistic boy guided by his mother and his coach in training for a marathon.
Code 252 : Signal de détresse
Quelques jours après qu'un grand tremblement de terre ait touché Tokyo, la température de l'océan pacifique se met à monter et provoque le plus gigantesque typhon que le japon n'ait jamais connu, frappant Tokyo de sa force dévastatrice. Un petit groupe de survivants emmené par Yuji Shinohara, un ancien pompier venu retrouver sa fille, essaie de faire parvenir le code 252 à la surface. 252 étant le code indiquant des survivants...


Jan 28, 2006
A hero called the legendary third baseman in the former prestigious grass baseball team "Peanuts", will start to rebuild the peanuts that have now turned into weak teams from the outset. Peanuts are going to fight against the team of strong teams, taking advantage of the redevelopment of the city where Captain Sagara lives.
A brother and sister leave the big city to live with their veterinarian father when their mother is hospitalized. As they are adjusting to their new life filled with natural beauty, they adopt an abandoned puppy. When it is discovered that the puppy is actually a wolf, they choose to return the baby wolf to its mother in the forest rather than let it live a life in captivity.
Kamikaze : Assaut dans le Pacifique
1944. La guerre du Pacifique touche à sa fin, la défaite du Japon se profile. L'État-Major japonais décide de former des pilotes dont la mission sera de se sacrifier en jetant leur avion rempli de bombes sur les navires américains. Les Kamikazes sont nés…


Dec 22, 1995
The universal theme of friendship, in all its vulnerability, tenderness, and purity, is explored in this drama. The flow of seasons forms a thematic continuity to the action: the severity of youth in summer, the sentimentality of autumn, and the frustration of winter. Together, this group of boys cope with common adversity, face the death of a friend, and prepare to deal with the world of adulthood.
Sekai no Chuushin de, Ai wo Sakebu
"J'ai pensé que je pourrais utiliser le bonheur de toute une vie dans un moment. J'étais si heureux et elle était si belle." Un jeune garçon se tient debout sur la terre rouge de l'Australie sous son ciel bleu. C'est Sakutaro Matsumoto, 17 ans. Ses souvenir du temps passé avec elle lui reviennent. Le sable coloré coule dans ses mains et une larme apparaît sur sa joue.
Hitonatsu no Papa e

Hitonatsu no Papa e

Sep 03, 2003
Au décés de sa mère, Marimo, découvre le nom de son père qu'elle n'a jamais connu. Marimo part à sa rencontre, mais est déçue de celui qu'elle trouve loin de ce qu'elle avait imaginé. Son père, Shinpei, un détective privé, perturbé par l'irruption de sa fille dans sa vie, se lamente de perdre sa liberté et Marino pense qu'il est «Le pire père du monde». Ils vont devoir faire l'apprentissage d'une relation père / fille avec ses difficultés et ses joies.


Oct 03, 1998
This drama is the tale of one high spirited, strong-willed young woman and her struggle to fulfill her lifelong ambition of becoming a carpenter and building homes. The story takes place from the later part of the Showa era to present day Heisei rule. The heroine of the story, Kawashima Urara, lost her father at the tender age of seven and this drama depicts her life as she grows from a young school girl, through puberty and adolescence and on into her adult years as an independent woman who owns her own carpentry business. As Urara grows into a beautiful and strong woman and a talented carpenter, her family around her goes through many difficult and trying times. This story of becoming an independent businesswoman in the male-dominated world of carpentry accurately reflects the lives and struggles of the young women in present day Japan who are trying to make a career for themselves in addition to balancing the demands of family obligations, friends, and lovers.


Mar 28, 1994
Maria is in need of money. Because her day-time job doesn't pay enough, she works at night at a cabaret. She needs the money so that she can pay for her sister, Nana's eyes operation. When both Maria and Nana were younger, Maria burned down the home, causing her sister's blindness and killing their father (mother survived.) Shiro is a famous concert pianist. However, he isn't happy with his marriage or his life in general. Maria and Shiro are united through a traffic accident, causing Shiro to be hospitalized. Faking amnesia and his identity, he stays at Maria's place and eventually starts to work at the cabaret as a piano player. As you will find out later on, life was not meant for Maria and Shiro to find one another.


Mar 19, 1993
Hamura entered a high school as a biology teacher. Unexpectedly, one of his students, Mayu, fell in love with him. The forbidden love between the teacher and the student began to sprout. Hamura was worried that his relationship with Mayu would be misunderstood, so he tried to escape. However, he later understood Mayu’s tragic life and that the two could not be separated…


Jun 30, 1999
A genius doctor named Yuichiro Nozaki comes to a hospital to know the reason of his sister's death. The doctor is wondering if someone of the hospital killed her. Finally, Yuichiro finds doctor Katsuhiko Sonobe is a suspect of the murder, but notices Katsuhiko's wife loves Yuichiro.
Food Fight

Food Fight

Sep 16, 2000
Après avoir grandi dans un orphelinat, Mitsuru Ihara a commencé à travailler comme gardien chez un grand producteur de denrées alimentaires. Ihara retourne souvent en visite dans son ancien orphelinat, en prétendant être un homme d'affaires important. Mais il y a un autre secret plus important : il est le champion en titre d'un concours de restauration clandestine organisé dans l'entreprise. Deux concurrents s'affrontent pour savoir lequel d'entre eux peut emballer le plus de nourriture dans un délai donné. Le noble Ihara, avec neuf victoires consécutives, fait toujours don de l'argent de façon anonyme à son orphelinat. Les circonstances entourant ses victoires sont cependant souvent surprenantes et généralement inhabituelles.
Sasaki Fusai no Jingi Naki Tatakai
Sasaki Norimichi et sa femme Ritsuko sont deux avocats aux personnalités opposées, mariés depuis trois ans. De vives querelles qui les conduisent au tribunal pour régler un éventuel divorce, les deux se représentant eux-mêmes sur le champ de bataille juridique.


Jun 26, 2005
Yuki, mother of the Mashiba family, is the grease that keeps this well-oiled machine running and its seven members happy and healthy. But when Yuki herself falls ill and needs to be hospitalized, the rest of the family must cooperate and make sacrifices in order to keep everything running smoothly and make ends meet.