Lorenza Indovina

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Sep 20, 2018
Mario Cavallaro is 50 and lives in the same district of always in Milano and fears changes until arrives Oba, a Senegalese seller of socks so he decides to kidnap Oba and take him back to Senegal.
Un Amore

Un Amore

Apr 06, 1999
Twenty years of the relationship between a man and a woman.
Dreaming Apecar

Dreaming Apecar

Nov 01, 2013
Caterina is a 45 year old Italian woman who has been without a job for months and cannot find another one. So she accepts to work as a carer for Gheorghe, an elderly lively Romanian stuck to a wheelchair. This experience will change her life.
I pionieri

I pionieri

Apr 13, 2023
Sicily, summer 1990. Two young boys, sons of ardent communists, run away from home to re-found the Pioneers, the glorious and now extinct scouts of the Party. But not everything goes according to their plans.
La fame e la sete

La fame e la sete

Mar 19, 1999
Alex, Ivo and Pacifico three Sicilian twin brothers are reunited for their father's funeral.
Nessun messaggio in segreteria
Alarmed by the news that for each working Italian there's a retiree, 70-year-old Walter decides to do his part by helping "a young person who's working for him." He chooses Piero, a model worker and upstanding citizen so shy that he can't bring himself to declare his feelings for night-time street cleaner Francesca. Walter starts giving him some old-hand advice on the matter.


Jan 21, 2011
Corrupt and sleazy entrepreneur Cetto La Qualunque comes back to Italy and "jumps into politics" lest his law-abiding opponent, Giovanni De Santis, is elected as mayor.
Femminile, singolare

Femminile, singolare

Mar 23, 2000
25-year-old aspiring artist Vera shares a flat in Rome near the Colosseum with friends Amedeo and Clelia. One rainy afternoon, Vera is standing in front of her wardrobe before. She has an appointment with a man who could solve all her problems. She has to get dressed and pulls out all her clothes. Each piece of clothing evokes a memory or a particular moment in her life. In this way, her search for something to wear, transforms itself into a nostalgia trip. In the end, Vera acquires a new understanding of herself and the world. She learns that to express truly-lived feelings through art is what really matters to her.
Almost Blue

Almost Blue

Nov 17, 2000
Dans la ville de Bologne, un tueur en série nommé l'Iguane sème la terreur et les morts. La commissaire Grazia Negro mène l'enquête.
Paolo Borsellino - I 57 giorni
Alberto Negrin directs this Italian drama starring Luca Zingaretti (well known Italian actor from the TV series Inspector Montalbano). The film traces the 57 days after the assassination of his friend and fellow anti-Mafia judge Giovanni Falcone when Paolo Borsellino (Zingaretti) must come to terms with his own inescapable destiny.
La Ribelle

La Ribelle

Aug 20, 1993
Enza a 16 ans et se retrouve confronté à la dualité entre amours physique et platonique.
Tempo instabile con probabili schiarite
Two friends, founders of a cooperative that produce couches and that it is found in a situation of bankruptcy, a night, while they are digging for hiding some stems that it would cost too much to digest, they discover some oil. This will make contradictions and conflicts explode among the two.
Io rom romantica

Io rom romantica

Jul 29, 2014
Gioia has just turned 18 and according to her Romani parents it's time for them to marry her off to a suitable boy. But as an independent young woman, Gioia's more attracted to the gadjos (non-Romani) life on offer in contemporary Italy.
Il segreto di Rahil

Il segreto di Rahil

Jan 10, 2007
Rahil is a twelve year old Iraqi refugee girl living in an impoverished neighborhood of Rome, Italy. Her story is revealed in a series of flashbacks, as told by Rahil herself, through the bars of a jail-cell from an undisclosed location. Her guardians, Jamal and Anna, often argue and the local bullies label her stinky.
Tutto tutto niente niente
Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop
Pecore in erba

Pecore in erba

Oct 01, 2015
July 2006. Leonardo Zuliani has vanished. The news from Trastevere in Rome turns into a real national emergency, while a huge throng of followers gathers around the young activist’s house. His mother is beside herself with grief and the entire neighbourhood is paralysed. He’s on every TV channel and the authorities all express their solidarity with the family. Many can’t believe it’s true; they prefer to think it’s just one of his stunts. A genius in conveying his ideas, successful cartoonist, visionary fashion designer, cult author, human rights activist: but who is Leonardo deep down? With the help of leading experts and celebrities, the film traces his life, at last casting light on a key figure of our times
Il suffit d'une nuit

Il suffit d'une nuit

Apr 14, 2000
Florence, 1938. Mary Panton, une belle Anglaise, fréquente assidument les soirées mondaines de ses compatriotes. Sir Edgar Swift, nommé gouverneur du Bengale, la demande en mariage. Malgré leur différence d'âge, elle accepte. Un soir de bal chez la princesse San Ferdinando, Mary fait la connaissance de Rowley Flint, un aventurier américain, qui lui fait une cour pressante. Elle refuse ses avances. Elle passe pourtant la nuit avec le violoniste Karl Richter. A l'aube, il lui fait une déclaration d'amour. Mary essaie de le réfréner mais il s'entête et devient violent.
In nome del figlio

In nome del figlio

Nov 16, 2008
Gianluca Sciortino is a child in the midst of the vitality of his ten years. On November 9, 1992, in Rome, Gianluca goes to school like every morning, enters class and suddenly feels ill. He is accompanied to the infirmary and after a few minutes he collapses and enters a coma due to the rupture of an angioma which caused a devastating cerebral hemorrhage. His mother Gerarda remains by his side, talking to him continuously, massaging and anointing his body to protect him from dehydration, attentive to every slight change in his condition.
Forever Young

Forever Young

Mar 10, 2016
Intertwined stories of 50somethings that won't give up on their glory days
La trève

La trève

Feb 14, 1997
Inspiré du roman autobiographique de Primo Levi. Un récit de la libération du camp d'Auschwitz et de l'odyssée involontaire du protagoniste. Une errance entre guerre et paix à travers l'Europe avec une poignée de compatriotes italiens, mais aussi de grecs et de français. Leur voyage de retour a transformé tous ceux qu'ils ont rencontrés en cours de route.
Falcone contre la Cosa Nostra
1992. Le célèbre juge anti-Mafia Giovanni Falcone et son épouse meurent dans un attentat à la bombe alors qu'ils traversent Palerme en voiture. Retour en 1980. Intègre, idéaliste et résolu, Falcone commence sa carrière de magistrat au palais de justice de Palerme. Sa spécialité : les arnaques bancaires...


Apr 15, 1993
The film shows the difficulties of an honest, imperiled judge and his bodyguard of four men, trying to clean up a Sicilian town. Corrupt local politicians, working hand-in-hand with the Mafia, will stop at nothing to prevent exposure of their rackets.
Dernières lueurs de jour
Dans les années 1970 et 1980, le journaliste militant sicilien Giuseppe Fava ne recule devant rien pour dénoncer les crimes de la mafia. D'après une histoire vraie.
La vita come viene

La vita come viene

May 09, 2003
Max believes that existence is just a game, and his wife will have the arduous task of bringing him back to reality.
Cetto c'è, senzadubbiamente
Cetto la Qualunque, having set aside all political ambition, is now nothing more than an entrepreneur. But the news of the worsening condition of his aunt leads him to return to Italy, where something from his past will be revealed and, “doubtlessly,” all of our lives will be forever changed.
Cosa sarà

Cosa sarà

Oct 29, 2020
Bruno Salvati is a director of little success, fresh from the separation from his wife Anna with whom he had two children, the twenty-year-old Adele and the seventeen-year-old Tito. Following a sudden illness, Bruno is diagnosed with a disease that requires the intervention of a donor. All his family relationships are called into question, including that with his father Umberto, the custodian of a secret that will force Bruno to embark on a journey in search of someone who can help him.


Aug 01, 2016




Aug 01, 2016


Un uccello molto serio
For the first time ever, Matteo has cheated on his wife Mara, who is on vacation, and spent a night of wild, steamy sex with Angela, whom he recently met by chance. He awakens with a headache and a satisfied memory of the night. But a message from the wife tells him that she is coming back home because of a hitch and leave him prey to panic. He tries to hide every trace of the adultery but, plagued by guilt-feelings and fear of being caught, enters into a paranoiac spiral, and his clumsy attempts to fix things only manage to create more damage.
Un uccello molto serio
For the first time ever, Matteo has cheated on his wife Mara, who is on vacation, and spent a night of wild, steamy sex with Angela, whom he recently met by chance. He awakens with a headache and a satisfied memory of the night. But a message from the wife tells him that she is coming back home because of a hitch and leave him prey to panic. He tries to hide every trace of the adultery but, plagued by guilt-feelings and fear of being caught, enters into a paranoiac spiral, and his clumsy attempts to fix things only manage to create more damage.
Luna Park

Luna Park

Sep 30, 2021
À Rome dans les années 1960, la rencontre entre une jeune foraine et une jeune privilégiée mène à des intrigues, des secrets et des amours aussi nouvelles qu'inattendues.
Padre Pio

Padre Pio

Apr 19, 2000
La nuit du 22 septembre 1968 un visiteur apostolique frappe à la porte du couvent de San Giovanni Rotondo en Italie. Il veut avoir un dernier entretien avec le Padre Pio. Convaincu de la supercherie autour des miracles attribués au vieux moine stigmatisé, il espère obtenir du capucin à l'agonie une ultime confession qui révélerait au grand jour la vérité. Padre Pio consent à lui raconter sa vie...
Il Miracolo

Il Miracolo

May 29, 2018
Lors d'une descente dans la cachette d'un chef de mafia, la police découvre une statuette de Madone en plastique pleurant des larmes de sang. Ce phénomène semble inexplicable, d'autant que l'objet énigmatique entraîne tous ceux qui l'approchent dans une extase mystique et bouleverse leur vie.
La Mafia

La Mafia

Jan 17, 2001
Dans ce feuilleton, on suit d'abord le commissaire Corrado Cattani qui commence une lutte contre la mafia, puis on suit le commissaire Davide Licata. C'est le juge Conti qui termine l'histoire.
La Mafia

La Mafia

Feb 12, 2010
Tutti per Bruno is an Italian television series.