1 9.11-8.15 日本心中 Nov 04, 2006 9.11-8.15 日本心中 2006 145 min 1 vues A film that reconsiders the modern state of Japan in relation to the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the U.S. Documentary
1 日本心中 針生一郎・日本を丸ごと抱え込んでしまった男。 Jun 01, 2002 日本心中 針生一郎・日本を丸ごと抱え込んでしまった男。 2002 87 min 1 vues A film exploring the correlation between self and otherness and ancient layers of Japan's history, by following the footsteps of art and literary critic Hariu Ichirō as he walks around Gwangju, South Korea, and speaking in his home in Japan. Documentary
3.6 17歳の風景 少年は何を見たのか Oct 31, 2004 17歳の風景 少年は何を見たのか 2004 89 min 5 vues A Japanese teenager bicycles aimlessly through the countryside after killing his mother. Drama